Urška Strle

At the Intersection of Mobility and Social Networks: A Biographical Sketch of Ivana Kobilca

Urška Strle

Childhood in Exile

Urška Strle

Book Reviews: Franca Iacovetta, Gatekeepers: Reshaping Immigrant Lives in Cold War Canada, Between the Lines, Toronto, 2006, 370 str.

Urška Strle

Book Review:Anton Žakelj, Beg v neznano, zapiski 1945–1949, Ljubljana, Studia Slovenica, 2008, 246 str. (z neoštevilčeno prilogo 23 str.)

Urška Strle

Book Review: Aviva Chomsky, »They take our jobs!« And 20 Other Myths About Immigration, Beacon Press (United States), Paperback, 2007, 192 str.

Urška Strle

The attitude of Slovenian emigrants in Canada towards homeland after the second World War

Urška Strle

Identity Transformations in Migratory Processes: The Fluid Belonging of a Canadian with Slovenian-Italian Roots

Silvija Krejaković, Urška Strle

Requiem for the Accordion: Slovenes in the Context of the Mass Retaliation in Kraljevo