5 / 1994
ZMAGO ŠMITEK: Janez Krstnik Mesar: Portrait of the Tonkin missionary from the 18th century
MARJAN DRNOVŠEK: Mass Emigration and Slovenes
DARKO FRIŠ: Jugoslovanska katoliška jednota (1898-1920)
BOGDAN C. NOVAK: Adamič and Yugoslavia during World War II: The Slovene Catholic Respon
IRENE MISLEJ: Primorski odbor
MARINA LUKŠIČ-HACIN: Dr. Božo Škerlj and Slovene Emigrants in America
JANJA ŽITNIK SERAFIN: Lev Detela - a Rebel among Men of Letters
ZLATKO SKRBIŠ: On Ethnic “Communities” in Non-Native Environments
ALEKSEJ KALC: The Guidelines for the Study of Emigration of the Slovenes living in Italy and Emigration of the Slovenes from the Regions in the Works of Italian Authors
ROZINA ŠVENT: Štiridesetletnica delovanja Slovenske kulturne akcije
ALEKSEJ KALC: Poročilo o simpoziju “Emigrazione e territorio: tra bisogno e ideale” (Izseljevanje in teritorij: med potrebo in idealom)
ALEKSEJ KALC: Review - Hoffnung Amerika. Europaische Auswanderung in die Neue Welt, Karin Schulz (Hrsg.), NDW-Verlag, Bremerhaven 1994, 293 str