11-12 / 2000

JANJA ŽITNIK SERAFIN: Two Homelands, 1-10 (1990-1999): Bibliography with abstracts
TATJANA ŽITNIK: Bibliometrical analysis of the ten volumes of Dve domovini/Two Homelands
MARJAN DRNOVŠEK: Slovene Emigration Material: A Round Table, Ljubljana, 31 May 2000
MILENA BEVC, VALENTINA PREVOLNIK-RUPEL: External migration of the population of Slovenia and the extent of immigrants/foreigners in Slovenia - the Nineties
ALEKSEJ KALC: Material on emigration from ‘Venetian Slovenia The case of the commune of Sovodnje/Savogna
JERNEJ MLEKUŽ: The role of the ‘original’ area in the definition of nationality: the case of nine ‘Slovene’ emigrants and their descendants living in Mendoza, Argentina
CVETKA KOCJANČIČ: Psychological adjustment of immigrants
AVGUST HORVAT: The periodical press in the post-war Slovene emigrant community in Argentina
ADAM WALASZEK: Poland as the »Promised Land«: Polish-American corporations and Poland after World War I
TADEUSZ PALECZNY: Two emigrations - two nationalisms: Irish-American and Polish-American nationalisms in the United States
MARTA MAFFIA, KLAUS MEHLTRETER, MARCELO BASALDúA: Construction of an ethnographical database of groups of immigrants and their descendants in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina - excluding Spanish and Itali
VERA KRŽIŠNIK-BUKIČ: Jakob Žnidaršič’s two homelands
IMRE SZILáGYI: Central Europe observed from Paris by a Hungarian: Ferenc Fejtő, a thinker with two homelands
BREDA ČEBULJ SAJKO: Dnevi Inštituta za slovensko izseljenstvo (24. maj - 4. junij 2000)
IRENA GANTAR GODINA: 6. svetovni kongres Inštituta za ruske in vzhodnoevropske študije na Finskem
LEV DETELA: Prikaz lastnih zdomskih dramskih poskusov in prizadevanj
VERONIKA FERFOLJA: Book Reviews - Breda Čebulj Sajko, Razpotja izseljencev: Razdvojena identiteta avstralskih Slovencev, Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2000, 140 pp.
JERNEJ MLEKUŽ: Book Review - Darko Friš (zbral, napisal uvod in opombe), Korespondenca slovenskih katoličanov v ZDA med leti 1882-1924, Viri, št. 14, Ljubljana: Arhivsko društvo Slovenije, 1999, 326 str.
ANDREJ VOVKO: Book Reviews - Knjižna ocena - Ferdo Gestrin, Slovanske migracije v Italijo, Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, 1998, 295 str.