49 / 2019

VERONIKA BAJT, MOJCA FRELIH: Crimmigration in Slovenia
MOJCA M. PLESNIČAR, JAKA KUKAVICA: Punishing the Alien: The Sentencing of Foreign Offenders in Slovenia
ALEŠ ZAVRŠNIK: The European Digital Fortress and Large Biometric EU IT Systems: Border Criminology, Technology, and Human Rights
NEŽA KOGOVŠEK ŠALAMON: The Role of the Conditionality of EU Membership in Migrant Criminalization in the Western Balkans
VASJA BADALIČ: Rejected Syrians: Violations of the Principle of “Non-Refoulement” in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon
VLASTA JALUŠIČ: Criminalizing “Pro-Immigrant” Initiatives: Reducing the Space of Human Action
MOJCA PAJNIK: Autonomy of Migration and the Governmentality of Plastic Borders
ALEKSEJ KALC: The Other Side of the “Istrian Exodus”: Immigration and Social Restoration in Slovenian Coastal Towns in the 1950s
KATJA HROBAT VIRLOGET: The “Istrian Exodus” and the Istrian Society that Followed It
IGOR JOVANOVIĆ: Illegal Migration from the Croatian Part of Istria from 1945 to 1968
NEŽA ČEBRON LIPOVEC: Post-War Urbanism along the Contested Border: Some Observations on Koper/Capodistria and Trieste/Trst
MIHA ZOBEC: The Surveillance and Persecution of Slovene Antifascists in Argentina: How the Authorities Conspired in Combating “Undesired” Immigration