27 / 2008

TANJA PETROVIĆ: Introduction to the Thematic Section
HANNES GRANDITS: Dynamics of Socialist Nation-Building: The Short Lived Programme of Promoting a Yugoslav National Identity and Some Comparative Perspectives
MOJCA VAH JEVŠNIK: Migrants with a Mandate for Nation-Building: International Agency in Multi-Ethnic Kosovo
BILJANA SIKIMIĆ: The Prilužje Enclave: A Construction of Local Identity
TANJA PETROVIĆ: Serbs, Albanians, and Those In Between: The Gradation of Otherness and Identity Management in the Nation-Building Process
NATAŠA GREGORIČ BON: “Where are we? Europe or Albania?” Regionalism as Seen by the Local People of Dhërmi/Drimades in Southern Albania
MILAN MESIĆ, DRAGAN BAGIĆ: Return Durability as a Physical and Synthetical Indicator of Sustainability. Example of the Serb Returnees in Croatia
ŠPELA KALČIĆ: »Each Person Explains Veil in His Own Way«: Veiling among Slovenian Bosniaks
MARJA KUZMANIĆ: Collective Memory of Changing Identities: An Exploration of Memories and Identities Related to the Disintegration of Yugoslavia
ANA KRALJ: Unwanted? Media and Political Constructions of Foreigners in Slovenia
METKA GOMBAČ: Book Review: Stanislav Kobler (ur.), Četrta stran trikotnika, Znameniti Slovenci in slovenska društva v Bosni in Hercegovini 1878–2000, Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana 2008, 465 str.
URŠKA STRLE: Book Review: Aviva Chomsky, »They take our jobs!« And 20 Other Myths About Immigration, Beacon Press (United States), Paperback, 2007, 192 str.