13 / 2001

DAN SHIFFMAN: Louis Adamic and the Metaphor of Immigrant Generations
BREDA ČEBULJ SAJKO: Auto-biographic method – “Case Study” – Australian Slovenes
JERNEJ MLEKUŽ: A contribution for a different geography: migration, power and identity in relation two worlds one another
ANDREJ VOVKO: The Branches of the Družba Sv. Mohorja (The Society of St. Hermagors) in Germany in the Years 1888-1918
MATJAŽ KLEMENČIČ: The development of the Slovene Emigrant Community in Rock Springs, Wyoming, from the first Slovene Settlers until the Beginning of the 1930’s
METODA BLAGOTINŠEK TURK: The first ten years of activity of S.N.P.J.
ZVONE ŽIGON: Slovene political emigration in Argentina
JANEZ NARED: The Slovene After-War Political Emigration and the Development of the Idea of Independence of Slovenia
AVGUŠTIN BUDJA: Slovenes in Sweden: a short processing of statistical Data (2001)
ALEKSEJ KALC: Book Reviews - Ezuli, optanti, izseljenci..., Annales, Analiza istrske in mediteranske študije, Koper: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko, 10/2000, 1(20), str. 165-252; 2(22), str. 357-418.
DEAN CEGLAR: Book Reviews - MATJAŽ KLEMENČIČ, Jurij Trunk med Koroško in Združenimi državami Amerike ter zgodovina slovenskih naselbin v Leadvillu, Kolorado, in v San Franciscu, Kalifornija, Celovec - Ljubljana - Dunaj: Mohorjeva založba, 1999, 509 str.