56 / 2022
Two homelands

FRANCESCO DELLA PUPPA, FABIO PEROCCO: Introduction: Migrants and Migration in the Eco-Pan-Syndemic Era
MOHAMMAD MORAD, AL AMIN RABBY, DEVI SACCHETTO, NADIA HAQUE: Shattered Dreams and the Return Home: Bangladeshi Migrant Workers in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries During COVID-19
BILESHA WEERARATNE: Migrant Workers and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Sri Lankans Abroad
JUAN PABLO SERRANO FRATTALI: Institutional Discrimination and the Politicization of Migration: The Case of the Colombia–Venezuela Border
DAVIDE GIRARDI: Immigrants and the Pandemic in a Leading Region of Northern Italy: A Question of Positioning
NOEMI FILOSI, CHIARA IORIATTI, ELISA PINI, IRENE SERANGELI, GIULIA STORATO: The Pandemic in the Trentino Asylum Reception System: Subjectivities Lost Within the “Health of the Facility”
MOJCA VAH JEVŠNIK, MIRJAM MILHARČIČ-HLADNIK: Repatriation of Slovenian Nationals During Mobility Lockdowns Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
KRISTINA TOPLAK, MARINA LUKŠIČ-HACIN: International Mobile Workers Caught Between Restrictive Measures and Freedom of Movement During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Slovenia
MARIJANCA AJŠA VIŽINTIN: Introduction: Only (With) Others Are We: Migration and Education
MARIJANCA AJŠA VIŽINTIN, BORIS KERN: Integration of Immigrant Children in Slovenia: Intensive Slovenian Language Courses for Beginners and Possibilities for Intercultural Dialogue
LUCIJA KLUN, ALAA ALALI, JURE GOMBAČ: Educational Integration from the Perspective of Refugee Parents and Children
ALENKA GRIL, SABINA AUTOR, JANJA ŽMAVC: Pupils With an Immigrant Background in Distance Learning in the Second Wave of the COVID-19 Epidemic in Slovenia
JAKA KLUN, KLARA SKUBIC ERMENC: The Position of Nations of Former Yugoslavia in the Slovenian Education System
MARINA LUKŠIČ-HACIN: Plans for a “Third Slovenian University” as Part of the Response to the Brain Drain Challenges of the 1970s and 1980s
YULIA KRYVENKO: Book Review - Elena Sommer, Social Capital as a Resource for Migrant Entrepreneurship: Self-Employed Migrants from the Former Soviet Union in Germany Munich: Springer VS, 2020, 331 pp.
ALèXIA RUé: Book Review - Francesco Della Puppa & Giuliana Sanò (eds.), Stuck and Exploited. Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Italy Between Exclusion, Discrimination and Struggles; Venezia: Edizioni Ca’Foscari, 2021, 362 pp.