50 / 2019

ANA JELNIKAR: Slovene Women Missionaries in India: Contexts, Methods and Considerations
IRENA AVSENIK NABERGOJ: The Mission of the Church in Dialogue with Non-Christian Religions
HELENA MOTOH: “Our Bengal Mission”: Negotiation of National and Transnational Agendas by Interwar Yugoslav Missionaries in Bengal
TAMARA DITRICH: Female Renouncers in India: A Neglected Chapter in the History of Indian Religions
BENJAMIN ZACHARIAH: The Tongue is Mightier than the Printing Press? Reflections on the Production of Oral Histories and on Languages of Legitimation
NATAŠA ROGELJA: A Life in Letters: An Anthropological Reflection on the Correspondence of Slovene Missionary sr. Conradina Resnik
FRANCESCO DELLA PUPPA: Transnational Families and Migrant Masculinities: The Social Institution of Male Adulthood and Family Reunification in the Bangladeshi Diaspora in Italy
DUŠKA KNEŽEVIĆ HOČEVAR, SANJA CUKUT KRILIĆ: Contestable Demographic Reasoning Regarding Labour Mobility and Migration
LEV CENTRIH: “Maribor by the Sea”: The League of Communists of Slovenia and the Question of the Settlement of the Koper District 1945–1965
JERNEJ MLEKUŽ: Control of Uncontrolled Migrations: How the Slovenian Newspapers Reported on Defections From Yugoslavia 1945–1965
MARINA LUKŠIČ-HACIN: The Political Character of Migration after the Second World War: From the Politics of Revanchism to Amnesty
MARJAN SMRKE: Religiosity and Generosity Toward Migrants
MAJA GOSTIČ: The Experience of Living and Work of Contemporary Slovenian Emigrants in Austria and Germany
LUCIA KULIHOVA: Misleading Data on Passenger Lists as a Consequence of Restrictive American Migration Legislation
GAZIZA TOLESH: Book Review - Khaled A. Beydoun, American Islamophobia: Understanding the Roots and Rise of Fear Oakland, California, University California Press, 2018