44 / 2016

MITJA SARDOČ: The Legacy of Liberalism, Community and Culture
JEFF SPINNER-HALEV: Uncertain Theoretical Foundations of Cultural Rights
AVIGAIL EISENBERG: The Assessment of Cultures and the Autonomy of Communities
EAMONN CALLAN: Kymlicka on Cultural Rights and Liberalism
HELDER DE SCHUTTER: The Liberal Linguistic Turn: Kymlicka’s Freedom Account Revisited
WILL KYMLICKA: Liberalism, Community and Culture Twenty-Five Years On: Philosophical Inquiries and Political Claims
MARINA LUKŠIČ-HACIN: Theorizing the Concept of Multiculturalism through Taylor's ‘Politics of Recognition’
ANA MARIA ARAGONéS, UBERTO SALGADO: Denmark and Norway: Matching Labor Market Needs with Qualified Migrants
ALEKSEJ KALC: Control over Migrants and Migration Movements in Imperial Austria from the 18th century to WWI
NATAŠA ROGELJA, KRISTINA TOPLAK, MOJCA VAH JEVŠNIK, JERNEJ MLEKUŽ: The Posting of Workers from Slovenia: some Particularities and Problems
KSENIJA ŠABEC: Slovene Textbooks as an Agent of Ethnocentric and Racist Socialization: the Case of Elementary School Geography Textbooks
DEJAN VALENTINČIČ: Reclamation of Slovenian Identity by the Descendants of Slovenian Immigrants in the USA and Canada in the Context of the Global Trend of Individualization
ZALA PAVŠIČ: The Relationship between Foreign Country and Homeland on Maruša Krese's Map
ANSAR UDDIN ANAS: Book Review - Bimal Ghosh, The Global Economic Crisis and the Future of Migration: Issues and Prospects, What Will Migration Look Like in 2045? Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
MIRAN KOMAC: Book Review - Zaira Vidau, Upravljanje jezikovne različnosti v javni upravi: Primer slovenske, furlanske in nemške skupnosti v deželi Furlaniji Julijski krajini, Univerzitetna založba Annales, Koper, 2015
KRISTINA TOPLAK: Report - Aktivnosti projekta, Napotitev delavcev: izmenjava izkušenj, promocija dobrih praks in izboljšanje dostopa do informacij; Posting of workers sharing experiences, promoting best practices and improving access to information