35 / 2012

CIRILA TOPLAK: Migrations and Citizenship: “New” Concepts and Practices
SIMONA BEZJAK: Globalising Citizenship: The Impact of Global Migrations on Concept Formation
MARINKO BANJAC: European Identity through Practices of Enumeration: The Formation of EU Citizenship and European Migration Policy
ŽIGA VODOVNIK: Beyond a Construction Site, Beyond National Citizenship: The Infrapolitics of Translocal Citizenship
BLAŽ ILC: “If They Did Not Exist They Would Have To Be Invented” – The Role of Immigrants and Their Regulation in the American Socio-Political Context
JERNEJ PIKALO: Citizenship as Metaphor
DIRK HOERDER: Belonging, Membership and Mobility in Global History
MARINA LUKŠIČ-HACIN, KRISTINA TOPLAK: Ethnic Economy and Cultural Heritage in the Context of Multiculturalism
MITJA DURNIK, JURE GOMBAČ: Theorizing the Potential of Political Economy and Social Economy Approaches in Studying the Structure of Ethnic Economies
DAMIR JOSIPOVIČ: Instrumentalization of Ethnicity within Multi-National Countries: The Colonization of Slovenes in the Austro-Hungarian Part of the Former Yugoslavia
SARA BREZIGAR: Do Third Country Nationals in Slovenia Face Prejudice and Discrimination?
SARA BREZIGAR: Do Third Country Nationals in Slovenia Face Prejudice and Discrimination?
MIHA KODERMAN, LYDIA MIHELIČ PULSIPHER: Social and Spatial Aspects of Roots Tourism in Slovenia: The Case of the Slovene-American Diaspora
MIHA KOZOROG: Marginalisation as a Context for Interpreting the Impact of a Subcultural Festival on a Local Community
ESTER SERRA MINGOT: Book Reviews - Marie Macey, Multiculturalism, Religion and Women: Doing Harm by Doing Good?, Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke, 2009 (Ester Serra Mingot)
DAVID HIMLER: Book Review - Heath Wellman, Christopher & Philip Cole, Debating the Ethics of Immigration: Is there a Right to Exclude? Oxford University Press, New York, 2011, 340 pp.