42 / 2015

Two homelands



MICHAELA BENSON: Lifestyle Migration: From the State of the Art to the Future of the Field

NICK OSBALDISTON: A Cultural Sociological Reading of Lifestyle Migration

TOBIAS WEIDINGER, STEFAN KORDEL: German Spa Towns as Retirement Destinations: How (pre)Retirees Negotiate Relocation and Locals Asses In-Migration

HILA ZABAN: The Effects of Lifestyle Migration of Jews from Western Countries on Jerusalem

NATAŠA ROGELJA: “Sail Away”: The Biographical Approach as a Tool to Understand the Concept of Temporarily Unbelonging

MARCO EIMERMANN: Lifestyle Migration beyond Consumption – Production Binaries: Dutch Migrants and Multifunctional Rural Land Use in Sweden

FRANCESCO DELLA PUPPA: Home between bidesh and shodesh: Domestication of Living Spaces, Identity and Gender Experiences in the Bangladeshi Diaspora

JANJA ŽITNIK SERAFIN: Reciprocity or Symmetry? A Comparison of Cultural Interests and Possibilities of Two Minorities

KSENIJA ŠABEC: Representations of Non-European World in Educational System: Textbooks as an Actor of Ethnocentric and Racist Socialization

MAJA RAMOVŠ: Debates in the U.S. Senate on Immigration Reform 2012–2013

ALEKSEJ KALC: Book Reviews - Javier P. Grossutti, Via dall'Istria: L'emigrazione istriana dalla seconda metà dell'Ottocento ai primi anni Quaranta del Novecento, Università Popolare di Trieste, Unione Italiana – Fiume, Trieste, 2014, 271 str.

JANJA ŽITNIK SERAFIN: Book Reviews - Vera Kržišnik Bukić, Damir Josipovič (ur.), Zgodovinski, politološki, pravni in kulturološki okvir za definicijo narodne manjšine v Republiki Sloveniji, Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja, Ljubljana, 2014; Vera Kržišnik Bukić (ur.), Kdo so narodne manjšine v Sloveniji, Zveza zvez kulturnih društev narodov in narodnosti nekdanje SFRJ v Sloveniji, Ljubljana, 2014

NATAŠA ROGELJA: Book Reviews - Jasna Čapo, Caroline Hornstein Tomić, Katica Jurčević (ur.), Didov san: Transgranična iskustva hrvatskih iseljenika, Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar, Zagreb, 2014