26 / 2007

ŠPELA KALČIĆ: Slovenian Muslims: who they are, organisation and national-legal standardisation through anthropological evaluation
MIRJAM MILHARČIČ-HLADNIK: The auto/biographical of the narrative: methodological and theoretical approaches in the researching of the migration experiences
AHAC MADEN: Web pages of Slovenians across the world
MARJAN DRNOVŠEK: Krek’s Westphalian Letters: religious-moral, national-cultural and political views, and emigration
REBEKA MESARIĆ ŽABČIĆ: Basic characteristics of emigration of Croatian population with the focus on emigration in the past fifteen years
URŠKA STRLE: The attitude of Slovenian emigrants in Canada towards homeland after the second World War
MARTHA LEA: The importance of the church and religious congregations for Slovenian and Norwegian migrants to the United States of America. A comparative aspect
KAJA ŠIROK: Tallinn Summer School, How collectivities remember: structures and spaces of social and cultural memory, Tallinn, 26 July – 2 August 2007
JURE GOMBAČ: 57. mednarodni kongres Zveze za preučevanje begunske problematike po svetu (Association for the Study of the World Refugee problem, AWR), Vilnius, 20.- 24. september 2007
MOJCA VAH JEVŠNIK: Book Reviews - Barbara Waldis in Byron Reginald (ur.), Migration and Marriage: Heterogamy and Homogamy in a Changing World, Lit-Verlag, Münster, 2006, 212 str.
VLADKA TUCOVIČ: Book Reviews - Irvin Lukežić, Fluminensia Slovenica, Izdavački centar Rijeka in Kulturno-prosvetno društvo Bazovica, Reka, 2007, 307 str.