55 / 2022
Jernej Mlekuž

Everyday Nationalism and Kranjska Sausage among Slovenian Immigrants in the United States

The article analyzes the role of Kranjska sausage (Slv. kranjska klobasa) in everyday nationalism among Slovenian immigrants in the United States from 1919 to 1945. It explores how a nation reproduces itself through everyday practices, habits, and ways of being, particularly related to everyday nationalism. The thesis is that nationalism is not only a product of institutional actions but is also reproduced outside official, formal, and instrumental frameworks at the level of largely unreflected everyday practices. The article is based on an analysis of texts containing the phrase “kranjska klobasa” that appeared in Slovenian migrant newspapers of record in the United States in the period 1919–1945.
Keywords: everyday nationalism, banal nationalism, material culture, newspapers, kranjska sausage

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