9 / 1998
Janja Žitnik Serafin


This year’s edition of Two Homelands is devoted to the hundredth anniversary of the birth of the well-known Slovene-American writer Louis Adamic (1898-1951). The centenary attracted considerable attention in Slovenia, not only in academic, cultural and educational circles but also in the media. Most of the related cultural and educational events took place in March, in the municipality of Grosuplje, where Adamic was born, and in Ljubljana. A special report on these can be found in this issue. The main academic event connected to the centenary was the international conference 100"' Birth Anniversary of Louis Adamic Intellectuals in Diaspora organised by Dr Irena Gantar Godina of the ZRC SAZU Institute for Slovenenian Emigration Studies and held on 1-5 September 1998 in Portorož (See the report on the conference in the Reports and Reflections
