2-3 / 1992
Majda Kodrič
The Press as a Link Between the Leaders and the Rank and File of an Ethnic Fraternal Organization; Handling the Situation of Second generation Membership in the KSKJ’s Organs
The article deals with the Glasilo K. S. K. Jednote and the Angelček (Little Angel) monthly as sources for the study of the position of the Carniolan Slovene Catholic Jednota on issues concerning the second generation memebrship. The comparaiosn between its stands and the stands of the Slovene National Benefit Jednota takes into consideration, partly and in general outlines, the organization's publications Prosveta and Mladinski list (Juvenile), later named The Voice of Youth. Noting the ideological differences between the two organizations, the article emphasizes their effort at coordinating approaches to problems of second generation's ethnic identity and acculturation.