43 / 2016
Vladimir Prebilič, Irena Bačlija

Reflections of Multiculturalism and Patriotism in Slovene Elementary School Curricula

Reflections of Multiculturalism and Patriotism in Slovene Elementary School CurriculaThe paper presents an analysis of the inclusion of patriotic elements in the curricula of elementary school subjects which are adapted to a multicultural environment. The legislative framework of the educational system in Slovenia anticipates the modification of curricula when elements of a minori­ty’s identity are in question. The results of the analysis can be summarised in two sets of findings: the method of the inclusion of patriotic elements differs firstly according to the subject’s curriculum (absence of a strategic approach), and secondly depending on the minority in question. It seems as if the integration of patriotic elements in the curricula of both national minorities is coincidental.
KEY WORDS: curriculum, multiculturalism, ethnic minorities, patriotic elements, elementary education

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