The inauguration of Bach's absolutist system in the summer of 1849, and particularly after 1852, and Thun's school reforms, have both inaugurated a rigorous policy of Germanization during the whole decade. It included a single law for the entire Monarchy, a single administration run by German speaking officials for the whole country, among whom were also middle-school or gymnasium professors. Bach’s intention was to unify and Germanize the Monarchy by bureaucracy. Thus, he began to move state officials, also professors, out of their native countries to non-German countries: the Czech gymnasium professors and officials were sent to Slovenia, while Slovene and also some Czech officials and gymnasium professors were sent to Croatia. These Slovenes – as loyal citizens - were sent by the authorities as state officials to accomplish Thun's school reforms. For the state authorities they were a most useful link between Bach’s policy and non-German people, implementing Germanization in all fields of social life. They remained anonymous creators of the state policy irrespective of their national appurtenance.
Among the Slovenes there were also many sympathizers of the 1848 national movements, also of the Croatian national »Illyrian« movement, and were – by being moved - »punished« for their then activities, since for political reasons, they were not allowed to work in Slovenia. On the other hand, after 1848 some Slovenes came to Croatia voluntarily, mainly to experience the Illyrian movement and ideas. Many Slovene intellectuals have settled there permanently, many have assimilated, especially those who have created their families there. The contribution of Slovene gymnasium professors, university professors, scholars, scientists, artists and cultural workers to Croatian science, art and culture was, undoubtedly, of major importance for the entire Croatian and as well Slovene society.