5 / 1994

Irene Mislej

Primorski odbor

The article is an outline of the activity of “Primorski odbor”, which Slovene emigrants from occupied coast territories from Italian part founded in Buenos Aires in 1941. The members of the “Odbor” were well-known representatives of Slovene community of various ideological views. Many were unique in their expectations that they will be successful - after final victory over Italian fascism - in implementing their natural interests, and in reintegration with their native land.


The paper was published in Slovene language, with the summary written in Spanish.

5 / 1994

Irene Mislej

Primorski odbor

The article is an outline of the activity of “Primorski odbor”, which Slovene emigrants from occupied coast territories from Italian part founded in Buenos Aires in 1941. The members of the “Odbor” were well-known representatives of Slovene community of various ideological views. Many were unique in their expectations that they will be successful - after final victory over Italian fascism - in implementing their natural interests, and in reintegration with their native land.


The paper was published in Slovene language, with the summary written in Spanish.

5 / 1994

Bogdan C. Novak

Adamič and Yugoslavia during World War II: The Slovene Catholic Respon

The article is the author's paper given at the international symposium on Louis Adamič at the Minnesota University in May 1981 and hasn't been published yet. On the basis of archive materials, he presented also the dark sides of Adamič's activities during the Second World War.

5 / 1994

Bogdan C. Novak

Adamič and Yugoslavia during World War II: The Slovene Catholic Respon

The article is the author's paper given at the international symposium on Louis Adamič at the Minnesota University in May 1981 and hasn't been published yet. On the basis of archive materials, he presented also the dark sides of Adamič's activities during the Second World War.

5 / 1994

Darko Friš

Jugoslovanska katoliška jednota (1898-1920)

Jugoslovanska Katoliška Jednota was founded in 1898 in Ely, Minnesota. The founders were members of two former local associations of the oldest Slovene aid organisation - Kranjska Slovenska Katoliška Jednota (The Slovene Catholic Unit of Camiola). The author concentrates on the internal structure of the organisation and its development as reflected through the general assemblies.

5 / 1994

Darko Friš

Jugoslovanska katoliška jednota (1898-1920)

Jugoslovanska Katoliška Jednota was founded in 1898 in Ely, Minnesota. The founders were members of two former local associations of the oldest Slovene aid organisation - Kranjska Slovenska Katoliška Jednota (The Slovene Catholic Unit of Camiola). The author concentrates on the internal structure of the organisation and its development as reflected through the general assemblies.

5 / 1994

Marjan Drnovšek

Mass Emigration and Slovenes

The author makes a synthetic summary of the results of his research on the migrations of the Slovenes from the last decades of the 19th century until the outbreak of the Second World War. The following issues are briefly addressed: the definition of an emigrant, the demographic component of emigration, the duration of absence, destination (mostly the USA), reasons for emigration (in addition to economic the author mentions other reasons such as evasion of military service etc.), the public response to mass emigration, the journey of migrants from their home to Ellis Island.

5 / 1994

Marjan Drnovšek

Mass Emigration and Slovenes

The author makes a synthetic summary of the results of his research on the migrations of the Slovenes from the last decades of the 19th century until the outbreak of the Second World War. The following issues are briefly addressed: the definition of an emigrant, the demographic component of emigration, the duration of absence, destination (mostly the USA), reasons for emigration (in addition to economic the author mentions other reasons such as evasion of military service etc.), the public response to mass emigration, the journey of migrants from their home to Ellis Island.

5 / 1994

Zmago Šmitek

Janez Krstnik Mesar: Portrait of the Tonkin missionary from the 18th century

The activities of J. K. Mesar in China and Vietnam represent a significant episode in the history of the Slovenes' contacts with foreign cultures. As a Jesuit missionary in the first half of the 18th century, Mesar was involved in the disputes over the adaptation methods and the Portuguese patronage in China. He ended his life as the victim of the struggle between European pro-zealotry and Asian traditionalism. His biography which was reconstructed mainly on the basis of archive sources vacillates between his personal life story and the legend of him as a saint.

5 / 1994

Zmago Šmitek

Janez Krstnik Mesar: Portrait of the Tonkin missionary from the 18th century

The activities of J. K. Mesar in China and Vietnam represent a significant episode in the history of the Slovenes' contacts with foreign cultures. As a Jesuit missionary in the first half of the 18th century, Mesar was involved in the disputes over the adaptation methods and the Portuguese patronage in China. He ended his life as the victim of the struggle between European pro-zealotry and Asian traditionalism. His biography which was reconstructed mainly on the basis of archive sources vacillates between his personal life story and the legend of him as a saint.