5 / 1994

Rozina Švent

Štiridesetletnica delovanja Slovenske kulturne akcije

The report was published in Slovene language.

5 / 1994

Rozina Švent

Štiridesetletnica delovanja Slovenske kulturne akcije

The report was published in Slovene language.

5 / 1994

Aleksej Kalc

The Guidelines for the Study of Emigration of the Slovenes living in Italy and Emigration of the Slovenes from the Regions in the Works of Italian Authors

The author presents methods and guidelines for treating the migration issues in the ethnically mixed area of the Slovene and Italian population in northwest Italy. He points out the exclusive concentration of Slovene authors on currently “acute” emigration issues and an approach to the emigration of the Slovenes from these regions mainly from the perspective of negative demographic consequences and other such influences on minority groups. Furthermore, the author points to a recent change in the approach and to an increasing interest in the life of emigrants in the destination countries. In this regard the author draws attention to the influence of emigrants’ experiences originating in their status of national minority on their life in a new environment. In the second part of the study the author discusses the works and approaches of Italian authors, concluding that their attention was mainly limited to the migration processes in Beneška Slovenija.

5 / 1994

Aleksej Kalc

The Guidelines for the Study of Emigration of the Slovenes living in Italy and Emigration of the Slovenes from the Regions in the Works of Italian Authors

The author presents methods and guidelines for treating the migration issues in the ethnically mixed area of the Slovene and Italian population in northwest Italy. He points out the exclusive concentration of Slovene authors on currently “acute” emigration issues and an approach to the emigration of the Slovenes from these regions mainly from the perspective of negative demographic consequences and other such influences on minority groups. Furthermore, the author points to a recent change in the approach and to an increasing interest in the life of emigrants in the destination countries. In this regard the author draws attention to the influence of emigrants’ experiences originating in their status of national minority on their life in a new environment. In the second part of the study the author discusses the works and approaches of Italian authors, concluding that their attention was mainly limited to the migration processes in Beneška Slovenija.

5 / 1994

Zlatko Skrbiš

On Ethnic “Communities” in Non-Native Environments

According to the author, the concept of ethnic community is often used uncritically in the literature concerned with ethnic groups in non-native environments. The basis for this type of argumentation is sociological (yet not equivocal) conceptualization of “community”. The concept of ethnic “community” as used in everyday language as well as in theory and politics ignores heterogeneity and conflict in these “communities” and constructs the image of homogeneity and non-differentiation where they do not exist. A paper is based on a study of second generation non- English speaking migrants in Australia.

5 / 1994

Zlatko Skrbiš

On Ethnic “Communities” in Non-Native Environments

According to the author, the concept of ethnic community is often used uncritically in the literature concerned with ethnic groups in non-native environments. The basis for this type of argumentation is sociological (yet not equivocal) conceptualization of “community”. The concept of ethnic “community” as used in everyday language as well as in theory and politics ignores heterogeneity and conflict in these “communities” and constructs the image of homogeneity and non-differentiation where they do not exist. A paper is based on a study of second generation non- English speaking migrants in Australia.

5 / 1994

Janja Žitnik Serafin

Lev Detela - a Rebel among Men of Letters

On the basis of the 26 books by Lev Detela, the Slovene writer living in Austria, his essays on literary history and literary criticism, and the Slovene as well as foreign reviews of his works, the author presents-after introducing basic biographical data – a survey of the writer's co-operation with various journals and newspapers (including his editorial activity), her opinion of Detela's fiction and basic information about Detela's conflict with the Slovene literary circles at home and abroad.

5 / 1994

Janja Žitnik Serafin

Lev Detela - a Rebel among Men of Letters

On the basis of the 26 books by Lev Detela, the Slovene writer living in Austria, his essays on literary history and literary criticism, and the Slovene as well as foreign reviews of his works, the author presents-after introducing basic biographical data – a survey of the writer's co-operation with various journals and newspapers (including his editorial activity), her opinion of Detela's fiction and basic information about Detela's conflict with the Slovene literary circles at home and abroad.

5 / 1994

Marina Lukšič-Hacin

Dr. Božo Škerlj and Slovene Emigrants in America

The article describes the contacts of Dr Božo Škerlj with the Slovene emigrants from Cleveland, their exchange of books, and his visit to the Slovene emigrants in Cleveland during his study tour of the United States. He later described the experiences gathered on this tour, realisations and ideas which he gathered on this tour, in the book entitled Unknown America and the article Some Aculturalisation Phenomena among the American Slovenes. The article is based on social anthropology and deals with aculturalisation. In conclusion professor Škerlj gives several starting points for the research of aculturalisation processes among the Slovene emigrants.

5 / 1994

Marina Lukšič-Hacin

Dr. Božo Škerlj and Slovene Emigrants in America

The article describes the contacts of Dr Božo Škerlj with the Slovene emigrants from Cleveland, their exchange of books, and his visit to the Slovene emigrants in Cleveland during his study tour of the United States. He later described the experiences gathered on this tour, realisations and ideas which he gathered on this tour, in the book entitled Unknown America and the article Some Aculturalisation Phenomena among the American Slovenes. The article is based on social anthropology and deals with aculturalisation. In conclusion professor Škerlj gives several starting points for the research of aculturalisation processes among the Slovene emigrants.