11-12 / 2000
Milena Bevc, Valentina Prevolnik-Rupel
External migration of the population of Slovenia and the extent of immigrants/foreigners in Slovenia - the NinetiesThe article, which is based on a research project titled »Migration in Slovenia within the context of EU accession«, starts with some basic methodological explanation and continues with the presentation of the »stock« of Slovene emigrants abroad and of immigrants/foreigners in Slovenia, and finally, of external migration flows for the last two decades. At the end some main conclusions are presented. The core of the article is the presentation of external migration flows (legal and illegal). Statistically registered legal flows include- for the period till the mid 1990s - the flows of citizens of Slovenia, and after that also the flows of foreigners. Migration of citizens presents only a small part of total statistically registered flows. Regardless of the coverage of legal external flows net migration was positive during the last two decades. Illegal immigration is much higher than legal; during the second half of the 1990s it was 60% higher than the latter.
11-12 / 2000
Milena Bevc, Valentina Prevolnik-Rupel
External migration of the population of Slovenia and the extent of immigrants/foreigners in Slovenia - the NinetiesThe article, which is based on a research project titled »Migration in Slovenia within the context of EU accession«, starts with some basic methodological explanation and continues with the presentation of the »stock« of Slovene emigrants abroad and of immigrants/foreigners in Slovenia, and finally, of external migration flows for the last two decades. At the end some main conclusions are presented. The core of the article is the presentation of external migration flows (legal and illegal). Statistically registered legal flows include- for the period till the mid 1990s - the flows of citizens of Slovenia, and after that also the flows of foreigners. Migration of citizens presents only a small part of total statistically registered flows. Regardless of the coverage of legal external flows net migration was positive during the last two decades. Illegal immigration is much higher than legal; during the second half of the 1990s it was 60% higher than the latter.
11-12 / 2000
Marjan Drnovšek
Slovene Emigration Material: A Round Table, Ljubljana, 31 May 2000On 31 May 2000 a round table on the theme ‘Slovene Emigration Material’ was held in the Little Hall of SAZU’s Scientific Research Center in Ljubljana. Discussion was limited to issues relating to material created by emigrants and brought by various routes to Slovenia or the Slovene areas of Italy and A ustria (material from archivesand museums, ethnological material, art, literature, film and material recorded in otherways).
To coincide with the round table a Guide to the Archive Material of the ZRC SAZU Institute for Slovene Emigration Studies was published. The Guide was preparedby Dean Ceglar. It was also intended as an encouragement and a model publication to help other holders of this type of material.
11-12 / 2000
Marjan Drnovšek
Slovene Emigration Material: A Round Table, Ljubljana, 31 May 2000On 31 May 2000 a round table on the theme ‘Slovene Emigration Material’ was held in the Little Hall of SAZU’s Scientific Research Center in Ljubljana. Discussion was limited to issues relating to material created by emigrants and brought by various routes to Slovenia or the Slovene areas of Italy and A ustria (material from archivesand museums, ethnological material, art, literature, film and material recorded in otherways).
To coincide with the round table a Guide to the Archive Material of the ZRC SAZU Institute for Slovene Emigration Studies was published. The Guide was preparedby Dean Ceglar. It was also intended as an encouragement and a model publication to help other holders of this type of material.
11-12 / 2000
Tatjana Žitnik
Bibliometrical analysis of the ten volumes of Dve domovini/Two HomelandsThe bibliometrical analysis contains quantitative data on articles and papers published in Dve domovini / Two Homelands and on their authors. Between 1990 and 1999 210 texts by 87 authors were published, covering a total of 2,500 pages. Scholarly articles predom inate (they occupy 81 per cent of the total number of pages). Their share in relation to scholarlyand specialized papers is 88 per cent. The ratio of articles in Slovene to articles in English is 65:35. The journal has a strongly international character; 44 per cent of contributors are from countries other than Slovenia (a total of 14 different countries). A notablefeature is the interdisciplinary character of the journal, with contributors representing 15 different academic fields; 69 percent of contributors hold a master’s degree or doctorate;74 per cent of contributors are (were) employed at universities and institutes.
11-12 / 2000
Tatjana Žitnik
Bibliometrical analysis of the ten volumes of Dve domovini/Two HomelandsThe bibliometrical analysis contains quantitative data on articles and papers published in Dve domovini / Two Homelands and on their authors. Between 1990 and 1999 210 texts by 87 authors were published, covering a total of 2,500 pages. Scholarly articles predom inate (they occupy 81 per cent of the total number of pages). Their share in relation to scholarlyand specialized papers is 88 per cent. The ratio of articles in Slovene to articles in English is 65:35. The journal has a strongly international character; 44 per cent of contributors are from countries other than Slovenia (a total of 14 different countries). A notablefeature is the interdisciplinary character of the journal, with contributors representing 15 different academic fields; 69 percent of contributors hold a master’s degree or doctorate;74 per cent of contributors are (were) employed at universities and institutes.
11-12 / 2000
Janja Žitnik Serafin
Two Homelands, 1-10 (1990-1999): Bibliography with abstractsComprehensive bibliography
Bibliography of books reviewed
11-12 / 2000
Janja Žitnik Serafin
Two Homelands, 1-10 (1990-1999): Bibliography with abstractsComprehensive bibliography
Bibliography of books reviewed
48 / 2018
Aleksej Kalc
Book Review - Francesca Fauri (ed.), The History of Migration in Europe: Perspectives from Economics, Politics and SociologyBook Review is published on SLO pages.
48 / 2018
Aleksej Kalc
Book Review - Francesca Fauri (ed.), The History of Migration in Europe: Perspectives from Economics, Politics and SociologyBook Review is published on SLO pages.