11-12 / 2000
Breda Čebulj Sajko
Dnevi Inštituta za slovensko izseljenstvo (24. maj - 4. junij 2000)Text is published on SLO pages.
11-12 / 2000
Breda Čebulj Sajko
Dnevi Inštituta za slovensko izseljenstvo (24. maj - 4. junij 2000)Text is published on SLO pages.
11-12 / 2000
Imre Szilágyi
Central Europe observed from Paris by a Hungarian: Ferenc Fejtő, a thinker with two homelandsThe political scientist, journalist and prolific writer Ferenc Fejtő was bom in 1909 in Nagykanizsa in Hungary. Political reasons compelled him to flee the country in 1938 and since then he has lived in France. In 2000 he was awarded the Prix des Ambassadeurs. His book The History of the People s Democracies (1952) was the first to provide an extensive history of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe between 1945 and 1952. In Requiem for a Former Empire he provides a detailed analysis of the political life of Austria-Hungary and the reasons for its decline. Fejtő is an advocate of the idea of Central Europe, of federalism and of meta-nationalism. He believes that the nation is an important constituent of self-awareness and that the national movement of the Slovenes, Croats, Hungarians, etc. is legitimate. His view of nations and sovereignty is very close to theviews of the Slovene intellectuals (Peter Jambrek, France Bučar and Dimitrij Rupel) who wrote on this topic in the late Eighties and early Nineties.
11-12 / 2000
Imre Szilágyi
Central Europe observed from Paris by a Hungarian: Ferenc Fejtő, a thinker with two homelandsThe political scientist, journalist and prolific writer Ferenc Fejtő was bom in 1909 in Nagykanizsa in Hungary. Political reasons compelled him to flee the country in 1938 and since then he has lived in France. In 2000 he was awarded the Prix des Ambassadeurs. His book The History of the People s Democracies (1952) was the first to provide an extensive history of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe between 1945 and 1952. In Requiem for a Former Empire he provides a detailed analysis of the political life of Austria-Hungary and the reasons for its decline. Fejtő is an advocate of the idea of Central Europe, of federalism and of meta-nationalism. He believes that the nation is an important constituent of self-awareness and that the national movement of the Slovenes, Croats, Hungarians, etc. is legitimate. His view of nations and sovereignty is very close to theviews of the Slovene intellectuals (Peter Jambrek, France Bučar and Dimitrij Rupel) who wrote on this topic in the late Eighties and early Nineties.
11-12 / 2000
Vera Kržišnik-Bukič
Jakob Žnidaršič’s two homelandsThe article attempts to present the personality of Jakob Žnidaršič (1847-1903), a Slovene with two homelands: (at the time informal) Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. He spent the last 21 years of his life in Sarajevo, where he worked as a teacher of physics and mathematics in a grammar school. Besides his publication of critical essays on Slovene literature and his own literary writing in Slovene and Bosnian newspapers and magazines, his particular historic significance relates to the initiation and foundation of the first Slovene social circle in Sarajevo, called ‘Slovensko omizje’ in the mid 1890s.
11-12 / 2000
Vera Kržišnik-Bukič
Jakob Žnidaršič’s two homelandsThe article attempts to present the personality of Jakob Žnidaršič (1847-1903), a Slovene with two homelands: (at the time informal) Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. He spent the last 21 years of his life in Sarajevo, where he worked as a teacher of physics and mathematics in a grammar school. Besides his publication of critical essays on Slovene literature and his own literary writing in Slovene and Bosnian newspapers and magazines, his particular historic significance relates to the initiation and foundation of the first Slovene social circle in Sarajevo, called ‘Slovensko omizje’ in the mid 1890s.
11-12 / 2000
Marcelo Basaldúa, Marta Maffia, Klaus Mehltreter
Construction of an ethnographical database of groups of immigrants and their descendants in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina - excluding Spanish and ItaliIn Argentina, research about immigration has traditionally been made fundamentally upon two majorities: Spanish and Italian. There were few specific anthropological studies concerning small and medium groups of immigrants. It was agreed that a database would be the best tool which would allow to recognize the profile of the studied communities and those which will be studied in the future. Polling was selected as the most convenient technique tocollect the data for the database presented in this article. The final objective o f this project is to undertake a socio-cultural survey of all groups of immigrants and their descendants (excluding Spanish and Italian), resident within the Province of Buenos Aires.
11-12 / 2000
Marcelo Basaldúa, Marta Maffia, Klaus Mehltreter
Construction of an ethnographical database of groups of immigrants and their descendants in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina - excluding Spanish and ItaliIn Argentina, research about immigration has traditionally been made fundamentally upon two majorities: Spanish and Italian. There were few specific anthropological studies concerning small and medium groups of immigrants. It was agreed that a database would be the best tool which would allow to recognize the profile of the studied communities and those which will be studied in the future. Polling was selected as the most convenient technique tocollect the data for the database presented in this article. The final objective o f this project is to undertake a socio-cultural survey of all groups of immigrants and their descendants (excluding Spanish and Italian), resident within the Province of Buenos Aires.
11-12 / 2000
Tadeusz Paleczny
Two emigrations - two nationalisms: Irish-American and Polish-American nationalisms in the United StatesIrish-American and Polish-American types of nationalism were passing through various evolutional phases. They developed from the homogeneous nationalism, directed toward the mother country’s community, through the double nationalism (the ethnic nationalism phase) to the American civil nationalism. The dominating tendency in the evolution of the Irish and Polish types o f nationalism in the U.S. was accompanied by various kinds of the extreme national ideologies. The article attempts to describe the dominating tendency in the evolution of Irish-American and Polish-American types of nationalism in the U.S.
11-12 / 2000
Tadeusz Paleczny
Two emigrations - two nationalisms: Irish-American and Polish-American nationalisms in the United StatesIrish-American and Polish-American types of nationalism were passing through various evolutional phases. They developed from the homogeneous nationalism, directed toward the mother country’s community, through the double nationalism (the ethnic nationalism phase) to the American civil nationalism. The dominating tendency in the evolution of the Irish and Polish types o f nationalism in the U.S. was accompanied by various kinds of the extreme national ideologies. The article attempts to describe the dominating tendency in the evolution of Irish-American and Polish-American types of nationalism in the U.S.