2-3 / 1992

Andrej Vovko


The first issue of the international scientific review Dve domovini/Two Homelands, published by the Institute for Slovene Emigration Research, a part of the Centre of Scientific Research of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts, has been received very favourably, both at home and abroad. This encouraging response gives its editors every reason to continue with the publication of this periodical. Despite the very difficult financial situation, you have before you a double issue of Dve domovini/Two Homelands. The first of the two sections contains a selection of papers presented at the International Symposium on Emigrant Publications, held in Maribor from 18 to 21 April 1991. The gathering was organized by Maribor’s Faculty of Education, the History Department and the Research Institute of the same Faculty, and financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia. In keeping with the policy of open scientific cooperation, the Institute for Slovene Emigration Research cooperated very productively with all home scholars and foreign researches of Slovene extraction who attended the symposium.

2-3 / 1992

Andrej Vovko


The first issue of the international scientific review Dve domovini/Two Homelands, published by the Institute for Slovene Emigration Research, a part of the Centre of Scientific Research of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts, has been received very favourably, both at home and abroad. This encouraging response gives its editors every reason to continue with the publication of this periodical. Despite the very difficult financial situation, you have before you a double issue of Dve domovini/Two Homelands. The first of the two sections contains a selection of papers presented at the International Symposium on Emigrant Publications, held in Maribor from 18 to 21 April 1991. The gathering was organized by Maribor’s Faculty of Education, the History Department and the Research Institute of the same Faculty, and financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia. In keeping with the policy of open scientific cooperation, the Institute for Slovene Emigration Research cooperated very productively with all home scholars and foreign researches of Slovene extraction who attended the symposium.

1 / 1990

Rado L. Lencek

Eulogy of a Man of Two Homelands

In writing this Memorial, I was fortunate to have access to John P. Nielsen’s Curriculum Vitae 1985, deposited in the archivesof the Research and Documentation: Slovene Studies. I also would like to thank Ms. Deborah Sesek from Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Margaret Sachter from New York City, and ProfessorCarole Rogel, the President of the Society for Slovene Studies, for additional inform ation and for their comments.

1 / 1990

Rado L. Lencek

Eulogy of a Man of Two Homelands

In writing this Memorial, I was fortunate to have access to John P. Nielsen’s Curriculum Vitae 1985, deposited in the archivesof the Research and Documentation: Slovene Studies. I also would like to thank Ms. Deborah Sesek from Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Margaret Sachter from New York City, and ProfessorCarole Rogel, the President of the Society for Slovene Studies, for additional inform ation and for their comments.

1 / 1990

Andrej Vovko

Ocene – Ljubomir Antić, Naše iseljeništvo u Južnoj Americi i stvaranje jugoslovenske države 1918

The review was published in Slovene language.

1 / 1990

Andrej Vovko

Ocene – Ljubomir Antić, Naše iseljeništvo u Južnoj Americi i stvaranje jugoslovenske države 1918

The review was published in Slovene language.

1 / 1990

Majda Kodrič

Ocene – Fotografski krožek / Gruppo fotografico Rečan, Fotoalbum izseljencev iz Benečije / Fotoalbum degli Emigranti della Benecia

This paper comprises a survey of some fundamental publications by American immigration researchers on the problem of "the second generation". Included particularly are works on the position of the second generation in the Italian and Slavic ethnic communities. The rudimentary treatments of this theme among Slovene emigrants to the USA are also considered. For practical reasons, the time rang of the surveyed American publications is somewhat limited. They reach only to the first half of the 1980$s except for some in which only a few paragraphs deal with this problem. The considered works investigate the problems of the second generation within various disciplines, such as psychology, pedagogics, historiography, social linguistic and ethnology. On the issue of the position of the second generation within the Slovene National Benefit Society, some newspaper sources were used.

1 / 1990

Majda Kodrič

Ocene – Fotografski krožek / Gruppo fotografico Rečan, Fotoalbum izseljencev iz Benečije / Fotoalbum degli Emigranti della Benecia

This paper comprises a survey of some fundamental publications by American immigration researchers on the problem of "the second generation". Included particularly are works on the position of the second generation in the Italian and Slavic ethnic communities. The rudimentary treatments of this theme among Slovene emigrants to the USA are also considered. For practical reasons, the time rang of the surveyed American publications is somewhat limited. They reach only to the first half of the 1980$s except for some in which only a few paragraphs deal with this problem. The considered works investigate the problems of the second generation within various disciplines, such as psychology, pedagogics, historiography, social linguistic and ethnology. On the issue of the position of the second generation within the Slovene National Benefit Society, some newspaper sources were used.

1 / 1990

Andrej Vovko

Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, U.S.A., and its Slovene-American Collection

The author presents the Immigration History Research Center at the University of Minnesota in St. Paul, the role it plays in researching immigration in USA, as well as a source material contributor to the Slovenian Migration Institute.


The report was written in Slovene language.

1 / 1990

Andrej Vovko

Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, U.S.A., and its Slovene-American Collection

The author presents the Immigration History Research Center at the University of Minnesota in St. Paul, the role it plays in researching immigration in USA, as well as a source material contributor to the Slovenian Migration Institute.


The report was written in Slovene language.