1 / 1990

Irena Birsa

Ethnic Radio in Australia and Slovene Language Broadcasting: Delevopment and Direction

This paper shows how the Slovenes in Melbourne have been actively involved with ethnic radio since the early 1970`s. The radio program contents reveal the attitudinal characteristics of the Slovene community in this city. For example, the first generation, especially the older settlers, want increased contact with ''home'', through news from Slovenia, and they retain a nostalgic perception of their homeland. This is reflected in their preference for folkloric elements of Slovene radio, seeing it as irrelevant to their needs. This situation indirectly shows how ethnic radio does not fulfil one of its objectives. That of bridging the culture gap between emigrants and their children. The research is based upon interviews with broadcasters and listeners and upon my own experience in working on ethnic radio.

1 / 1990

Irena Birsa

Ethnic Radio in Australia and Slovene Language Broadcasting: Delevopment and Direction

This paper shows how the Slovenes in Melbourne have been actively involved with ethnic radio since the early 1970`s. The radio program contents reveal the attitudinal characteristics of the Slovene community in this city. For example, the first generation, especially the older settlers, want increased contact with ''home'', through news from Slovenia, and they retain a nostalgic perception of their homeland. This is reflected in their preference for folkloric elements of Slovene radio, seeing it as irrelevant to their needs. This situation indirectly shows how ethnic radio does not fulfil one of its objectives. That of bridging the culture gap between emigrants and their children. The research is based upon interviews with broadcasters and listeners and upon my own experience in working on ethnic radio.

1 / 1990

Rado L. Lencek

Problems and Perspectives of Ethnic Identification: Withering Away or Reaffirmation?

Slovene emigrants who went to the USA after World War Two radically differ from the previous generations in their considerably higher degree of education, general knowledge and proficiency in English. On the basic of his own experience, the author lists some characteristics of this group, its attitude toward other emigrants and toward the research on its own ethnic heritage. Among other thinks he ascertains that American Slovenes preserve their language in the first generation, but really in the second. They keep it a little longer in their religious practice but never in their public lives. The higher the educational level they brought into the States, the longer they cling to the Slovene language and their ethnic identity. On the other hand, the higher the level of education they have acquired in English, the faster and easier they become “Americanised”.

1 / 1990

Rado L. Lencek

Problems and Perspectives of Ethnic Identification: Withering Away or Reaffirmation?

Slovene emigrants who went to the USA after World War Two radically differ from the previous generations in their considerably higher degree of education, general knowledge and proficiency in English. On the basic of his own experience, the author lists some characteristics of this group, its attitude toward other emigrants and toward the research on its own ethnic heritage. Among other thinks he ascertains that American Slovenes preserve their language in the first generation, but really in the second. They keep it a little longer in their religious practice but never in their public lives. The higher the educational level they brought into the States, the longer they cling to the Slovene language and their ethnic identity. On the other hand, the higher the level of education they have acquired in English, the faster and easier they become “Americanised”.

1 / 1990

Marjan Drnovšek

The Activity of Tomo Brejc among Slovene Emigrants in France during the Years 1936-39

This treatise deals with the Communist Party activities of Tomo Brejc among Slovene emigrants in France during the years 1936-39. The wave of Slovene economic emigrants after World War I peeked just before the great economic crisis at the beginning of the Thirties. A majority of the Slovene miners who entered the French Communist Party and the communist syndicate C.G.T.U. had socialist and communist principles, and during the People's front movement, they actively intervened in public life. Tomo Brejc was active among the emigrants as a Party instructor and editor of their gazette, Glas izseljencev (spring 1936-39). The politically lively pre-war years had their influence on this group of Slovene emigrants to France as well. Thus, it is not surprising that many collaborated in the French resistance during World War II.

1 / 1990

Marjan Drnovšek

The Activity of Tomo Brejc among Slovene Emigrants in France during the Years 1936-39

This treatise deals with the Communist Party activities of Tomo Brejc among Slovene emigrants in France during the years 1936-39. The wave of Slovene economic emigrants after World War I peeked just before the great economic crisis at the beginning of the Thirties. A majority of the Slovene miners who entered the French Communist Party and the communist syndicate C.G.T.U. had socialist and communist principles, and during the People's front movement, they actively intervened in public life. Tomo Brejc was active among the emigrants as a Party instructor and editor of their gazette, Glas izseljencev (spring 1936-39). The politically lively pre-war years had their influence on this group of Slovene emigrants to France as well. Thus, it is not surprising that many collaborated in the French resistance during World War II.

1 / 1990

Majda Kodrič

Immigration Research in the U.S.A.: Some Approaches to the Problems of the Second Generation

This paper comprises a survey of some fundamental publications by American immigrations researchers on the problem of “the second generation”. Included particularly are works on the position of the second generation in the Italian and Slavic ethnic communities. The rudimentary treatments of this theme among Slovene emigrants to USA are also considered. For practical reasons the time range of the surveyed American publications is somewhat limited. They reach only to the first half of the 1980s expect for some witch only a few paragraphs deal with this problem. The considered works investigate the problems of the second generation within various disciplines, such as psychology, pedagogics, historiography, social linguistic and ethnology. On the same issue of the position of the second generation within the Slovene National Benefit Society, some newspaper source was used.

1 / 1990

Majda Kodrič

Immigration Research in the U.S.A.: Some Approaches to the Problems of the Second Generation

This paper comprises a survey of some fundamental publications by American immigrations researchers on the problem of “the second generation”. Included particularly are works on the position of the second generation in the Italian and Slavic ethnic communities. The rudimentary treatments of this theme among Slovene emigrants to USA are also considered. For practical reasons the time range of the surveyed American publications is somewhat limited. They reach only to the first half of the 1980s expect for some witch only a few paragraphs deal with this problem. The considered works investigate the problems of the second generation within various disciplines, such as psychology, pedagogics, historiography, social linguistic and ethnology. On the same issue of the position of the second generation within the Slovene National Benefit Society, some newspaper source was used.

1 / 1990

Darja Emeršič, Matjaž Klemenčič

The Idea and Attempts of Building Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland

The article deals with the history of Slovenski narodni dom (Slovenian National Home) on St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland, from the first initiatives to build the Home until World War II. On the basis of newspaper articles, jubilee miscellanea, as well as the notes from meetings and financial reports, the authors show the process of building the Home and the activities of organizations connected with this Home.

1 / 1990

Darja Emeršič, Matjaž Klemenčič

The Idea and Attempts of Building Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland

The article deals with the history of Slovenski narodni dom (Slovenian National Home) on St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland, from the first initiatives to build the Home until World War II. On the basis of newspaper articles, jubilee miscellanea, as well as the notes from meetings and financial reports, the authors show the process of building the Home and the activities of organizations connected with this Home.