4 / 1993
Mojca Ravnik
Discussions - Družina, sorodstvo in izseljenstvoThe discussion was published in Slovene language.
4 / 1993
Mojca Ravnik
Discussions - Družina, sorodstvo in izseljenstvoThe discussion was published in Slovene language.
4 / 1993
Mihael Kuzmič
Discussions - Dosedanje delo in načrti raziskovanja prekmurskih izseljencev v Betlehemu, Pa. (ZDA)The discussion was published in Slovene language.
4 / 1993
Mihael Kuzmič
Discussions - Dosedanje delo in načrti raziskovanja prekmurskih izseljencev v Betlehemu, Pa. (ZDA)The discussion was published in Slovene language.
4 / 1993
Vera Kržišnik-Bukič
Discussions - Proučevanje Slovencev v prostoru bivše Jugoslavije: stanjeThe discussion was published in Slovene language.
4 / 1993
Vera Kržišnik-Bukič
Discussions - Proučevanje Slovencev v prostoru bivše Jugoslavije: stanjeThe discussion was published in Slovene language.
4 / 1993
Janez Malačič
Certain Current Issues of Demographic and Economic Aspects of the Research of Slovene EmigrationThe author of this paper shows the underdevelopment of the demographic and economic aspects of the research of Slovenian emigration. Establishment of the Slovenian demographic institute would have been successful way to overcome of some major drawbacks of our migration research and the design and the implementation of Slovenian migration policy. It is also very likely, according to the author, that Slovenian will become in the near future the part of broader European migration system.
4 / 1993
Janez Malačič
Certain Current Issues of Demographic and Economic Aspects of the Research of Slovene EmigrationThe author of this paper shows the underdevelopment of the demographic and economic aspects of the research of Slovenian emigration. Establishment of the Slovenian demographic institute would have been successful way to overcome of some major drawbacks of our migration research and the design and the implementation of Slovenian migration policy. It is also very likely, according to the author, that Slovenian will become in the near future the part of broader European migration system.
4 / 1993
Nada Šabec
Sociolinguistic Studies of Slovene Immigration IssuesThe author presents the achievements of research into Slovene emigration in the field of sociolinguistics and points to the directions of future development. The point of contact between sociolinguistics and emigration is the study of bi- and multi- lingualism, in this case the linguistic tie between Slovene and the dominant language of the country of immigration. In addition to a critical evaluation of research to date (e.g. R. L. Lenček, F. J. Kess, J. Paternost and others) the author also speaks of her own work in some detail.
4 / 1993
Nada Šabec
Sociolinguistic Studies of Slovene Immigration IssuesThe author presents the achievements of research into Slovene emigration in the field of sociolinguistics and points to the directions of future development. The point of contact between sociolinguistics and emigration is the study of bi- and multi- lingualism, in this case the linguistic tie between Slovene and the dominant language of the country of immigration. In addition to a critical evaluation of research to date (e.g. R. L. Lenček, F. J. Kess, J. Paternost and others) the author also speaks of her own work in some detail.