2-3 / 1992

Marjan Drnovšek

Review - Breda Čebulj-Sajko: Med srečo in svobodo. Avstralski Slovenci o sebi. Ljubljana: samozaložba, 1992, 251 str.

The review is published in Slovene language.

2-3 / 1992

Marjan Drnovšek

Review - Breda Čebulj-Sajko: Med srečo in svobodo. Avstralski Slovenci o sebi. Ljubljana: samozaložba, 1992, 251 str.

The review is published in Slovene language.

2-3 / 1992

Breda Čebulj Sajko

Review - Jurij Zalokar, Mavrična kača, Radovljica, Didakta, 1990, 135 str.

The review is published in Slovene language.

2-3 / 1992

Breda Čebulj Sajko

Review - Jurij Zalokar, Mavrična kača, Radovljica, Didakta, 1990, 135 str.

The review is published in Slovene language.

2-3 / 1992

Breda Čebulj Sajko

Review - Marjan Drnovšek, Od Ljubljane do Ellis Islanda - Otoka solza v New Yorku: 1880 - 1924, Ljubljana, Mladika, 1991, 244 str.

The review is published in Slovene language.

2-3 / 1992

Breda Čebulj Sajko

Review - Marjan Drnovšek, Od Ljubljane do Ellis Islanda - Otoka solza v New Yorku: 1880 - 1924, Ljubljana, Mladika, 1991, 244 str.

The review is published in Slovene language.

2-3 / 1992

Leopoldina Plut-Pregelj

Catholic Educational System in USA and the Establishing of Primary Schools at Slovene Parishes (1895-1941)

On the basis of literature, printed sources (Ave Maria calendar) and her own questionnaire, the author outlines the conditions under which religious schools, including Catholic, were operating in the United States. Her interest focuses on the development of schools at Slovene parishes. The paper offers a brief history of these schools in individual states.

2-3 / 1992

Leopoldina Plut-Pregelj

Catholic Educational System in USA and the Establishing of Primary Schools at Slovene Parishes (1895-1941)

On the basis of literature, printed sources (Ave Maria calendar) and her own questionnaire, the author outlines the conditions under which religious schools, including Catholic, were operating in the United States. Her interest focuses on the development of schools at Slovene parishes. The paper offers a brief history of these schools in individual states.

2-3 / 1992

Darko Friš

The Activities of the Congregation of the School Sistersof the Order of St. Francis of Assisi of Christ the Kingin the U.S.A

The beginning in 1909 of the activity of sisters of Maribor's St. Francis of Assisi congregation in the USA marked a new era in education of children of Slovene and Croatian immigrants. The instruction was taken over by women-teachers. The instruction was in English with a few hours per week in the Slovene and Croatian languages, which was very important from the aspect of preservation of religious and national identity and a gradual adaptation of children to the American way of life. The archival materials of the St. Francis of Assisi congregation which I used in the study are kept in the Maribor bishopric archives.

2-3 / 1992

Darko Friš

The Activities of the Congregation of the School Sistersof the Order of St. Francis of Assisi of Christ the Kingin the U.S.A

The beginning in 1909 of the activity of sisters of Maribor's St. Francis of Assisi congregation in the USA marked a new era in education of children of Slovene and Croatian immigrants. The instruction was taken over by women-teachers. The instruction was in English with a few hours per week in the Slovene and Croatian languages, which was very important from the aspect of preservation of religious and national identity and a gradual adaptation of children to the American way of life. The archival materials of the St. Francis of Assisi congregation which I used in the study are kept in the Maribor bishopric archives.