26 / 2007
Špela Kalčić
Slovenian Muslims: who they are, organisation and national-legal standardisation through anthropological evaluationABSTRACT:
Article presents Slovenian Muslims through anthropological evaluation of statistics about migration of Muslims to Slovenia in the period of Yugoslavia and after its disintegration (economic migrations in the period of SFRY, refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, non-aligned movement and migrations of students from Near-Eastern and African states), and through evaluation of statistics of the last population census in 2002. The analysis of the latter is concentrated on data about the number of Muslims, their regional dispersal and expressed affiliations. Statistical presence of Muslims in Slovenia is supported with description of their efforts to preserve Muslim identity from the initial period of settlement in Slovenia. A special focus is on analysis of institutionalisation of those efforts. Anthropological evaluation of the part of Slovenian legislation that regulates the field of religion and some Islamic practices is presented. The analysis shows that Slovenian legislation in principle ensures equality and freedom of religion, yet in practice the latter is often less freely enjoyed by Muslims due to widespread islamophobia.
KEY WORDS: Muslims, Islam, migrations, Slovenian Islamic Community, legislation, rights, islamophobia
26 / 2007
Špela Kalčić
Slovenian Muslims: who they are, organisation and national-legal standardisation through anthropological evaluationABSTRACT:
Article presents Slovenian Muslims through anthropological evaluation of statistics about migration of Muslims to Slovenia in the period of Yugoslavia and after its disintegration (economic migrations in the period of SFRY, refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, non-aligned movement and migrations of students from Near-Eastern and African states), and through evaluation of statistics of the last population census in 2002. The analysis of the latter is concentrated on data about the number of Muslims, their regional dispersal and expressed affiliations. Statistical presence of Muslims in Slovenia is supported with description of their efforts to preserve Muslim identity from the initial period of settlement in Slovenia. A special focus is on analysis of institutionalisation of those efforts. Anthropological evaluation of the part of Slovenian legislation that regulates the field of religion and some Islamic practices is presented. The analysis shows that Slovenian legislation in principle ensures equality and freedom of religion, yet in practice the latter is often less freely enjoyed by Muslims due to widespread islamophobia.
KEY WORDS: Muslims, Islam, migrations, Slovenian Islamic Community, legislation, rights, islamophobia
16 / 2002
Marina Lukšič-Hacin
Women in Minority Communities: The Significance and the Role of Women in Preserving Cultural Tradition: A Round Table, Ljubljana, 19 June 2002The Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU has organised on June 19th 2002 in the premises of the Scientific Research centre of SAZU (Mala dvorana) a one-day conference titled Ženske v manjšinskih skupnostih : Pomen in vloga žensk za ohranjanje kulturnega izročila«
The conference was by content divided into two parts. The first was designed for presenting the contributions of the invited guests - researchers who have in the past been dealing with the nation/nationality identity through the perspective of the role of women in minority (ethnic) context.
The following invited guests took part in the conference: Inga Brezigar Miklavčič (Goriški muzej, Nova Gorica), Marjetka Golež-Kaučič, PhD (Glasbenonarodopisni inštitut ZRC SAZU), Marija Jurič Pahor, PhD (Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja), Aleksej Kalc (Odsek za zgodovino pri Narodni in študijski knjižnici v Trstu, Italy), Irene Mislej, PhD (Pilonova galerija v Ajdovščini), Mojca Ramšak, PhD (Inštitut za slovensko narodopisje ZRC SAZU). The moderator of the first part was Marina Lukšič-Hacin, PhD.
In the second part o f the conference, the researchers of the project group have presented together with the external co-operators the project and their partial researches.
Cooperating in the second part were: Dean Ceglar, M.A. (Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU), Milena Domjan (Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Ljubljana), Marjan Drnovšek, PhD (Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU), Irena Gantar Godina, PhD (Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU), Daša Hribar, M.A. (Slovenski etnografski muzej), Viktorija Kante (Muzej Miklova hiša, Ribnica), Marina Lukšič-Hacin, PhD (Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU), Irena Milanič (Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani), Mirjam Milharčič-Hladnik, PhD (Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU), Jernej Mlekuž, M.A. (Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU), Leopoldina Plut Pregelj (Washington D.C., U.S.A.), Barbara Verlič-Christensen, PhD (Fakulteta za družbene vede), Zvone Žigon, PhD (Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU). The moderator of the second part was Mirjam Milharčič-Hladnik.
16 / 2002
Marina Lukšič-Hacin
Women in Minority Communities: The Significance and the Role of Women in Preserving Cultural Tradition: A Round Table, Ljubljana, 19 June 2002The Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU has organised on June 19th 2002 in the premises of the Scientific Research centre of SAZU (Mala dvorana) a one-day conference titled Ženske v manjšinskih skupnostih : Pomen in vloga žensk za ohranjanje kulturnega izročila«
The conference was by content divided into two parts. The first was designed for presenting the contributions of the invited guests - researchers who have in the past been dealing with the nation/nationality identity through the perspective of the role of women in minority (ethnic) context.
The following invited guests took part in the conference: Inga Brezigar Miklavčič (Goriški muzej, Nova Gorica), Marjetka Golež-Kaučič, PhD (Glasbenonarodopisni inštitut ZRC SAZU), Marija Jurič Pahor, PhD (Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja), Aleksej Kalc (Odsek za zgodovino pri Narodni in študijski knjižnici v Trstu, Italy), Irene Mislej, PhD (Pilonova galerija v Ajdovščini), Mojca Ramšak, PhD (Inštitut za slovensko narodopisje ZRC SAZU). The moderator of the first part was Marina Lukšič-Hacin, PhD.
In the second part o f the conference, the researchers of the project group have presented together with the external co-operators the project and their partial researches.
Cooperating in the second part were: Dean Ceglar, M.A. (Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU), Milena Domjan (Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Ljubljana), Marjan Drnovšek, PhD (Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU), Irena Gantar Godina, PhD (Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU), Daša Hribar, M.A. (Slovenski etnografski muzej), Viktorija Kante (Muzej Miklova hiša, Ribnica), Marina Lukšič-Hacin, PhD (Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU), Irena Milanič (Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani), Mirjam Milharčič-Hladnik, PhD (Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU), Jernej Mlekuž, M.A. (Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU), Leopoldina Plut Pregelj (Washington D.C., U.S.A.), Barbara Verlič-Christensen, PhD (Fakulteta za družbene vede), Zvone Žigon, PhD (Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU). The moderator of the second part was Mirjam Milharčič-Hladnik.
16 / 2002
Marjan Drnovšek
The Relation of Slovenes Toward Emigrants: A Round Table, Ljubljana, 4 June 2002The Museum of Modern History of Slovenia (Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije) in Ljubljana has, in cooperation with the Institute for Migration Studies of the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts (Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU), prepared in the premises of the museum on June 4th 2002 a round table on thematic »The relation of Slovenes toward emigrants«. Initiatives for the discussion were, firstly, an exhibition titled »Izseljenec: življenjske zgodbe Slovencev po svetu« («The emigrant: life stories of Slovenes across the world«) held in the same museum from October 24th 2001 to October 15th 2002, and secondly, the acceptance of the »Resolution on Slovenes abroad« in the parliam ent of the Republic of Slovenia in January 2002.
Taking part with contributions and discussion were: Inga Brezigar Miklavčič (Goriški muzej, Nova G orica), Milena Domjan (Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Ljubljana), Marjan Drnovšek, PhD (Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU), Daša Hribar, M. A. (Slovenski etnografski muzej), Boštjan Kocmur (Emigrant society Naša Slovenija), Mihael Kuzmič, PhD (Evangelical Tehological Faculty, Osijek, Croatia), Marjeta Mikuž, M.A. (Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije), Vera Papež Adamič (em igrant), Janez Rihar (The Rafael society in Ljubljana), Janez Rogelj (Slovenska izseljenska m atica), Julijan Strajnar, PhD (Glasbeno-narodopisni inštitut ZRC SAZU), Nataša Strlič (Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije), Rozina Švent, M.A. (Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica), Zvone Žigon, PhD (Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve RS).
The moderator of the discussion was Božo Repe, PhD (Filozofska fakulteta, Ljubljana (Faculty of Arts)).
16 / 2002
Marjan Drnovšek
The Relation of Slovenes Toward Emigrants: A Round Table, Ljubljana, 4 June 2002The Museum of Modern History of Slovenia (Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije) in Ljubljana has, in cooperation with the Institute for Migration Studies of the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts (Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU), prepared in the premises of the museum on June 4th 2002 a round table on thematic »The relation of Slovenes toward emigrants«. Initiatives for the discussion were, firstly, an exhibition titled »Izseljenec: življenjske zgodbe Slovencev po svetu« («The emigrant: life stories of Slovenes across the world«) held in the same museum from October 24th 2001 to October 15th 2002, and secondly, the acceptance of the »Resolution on Slovenes abroad« in the parliam ent of the Republic of Slovenia in January 2002.
Taking part with contributions and discussion were: Inga Brezigar Miklavčič (Goriški muzej, Nova G orica), Milena Domjan (Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Ljubljana), Marjan Drnovšek, PhD (Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU), Daša Hribar, M. A. (Slovenski etnografski muzej), Boštjan Kocmur (Emigrant society Naša Slovenija), Mihael Kuzmič, PhD (Evangelical Tehological Faculty, Osijek, Croatia), Marjeta Mikuž, M.A. (Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije), Vera Papež Adamič (em igrant), Janez Rihar (The Rafael society in Ljubljana), Janez Rogelj (Slovenska izseljenska m atica), Julijan Strajnar, PhD (Glasbeno-narodopisni inštitut ZRC SAZU), Nataša Strlič (Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije), Rozina Švent, M.A. (Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica), Zvone Žigon, PhD (Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve RS).
The moderator of the discussion was Božo Repe, PhD (Filozofska fakulteta, Ljubljana (Faculty of Arts)).
13 / 2001
Dean Ceglar
Book Reviews - MATJAŽ KLEMENČIČ, Jurij Trunk med Koroško in Združenimi državami Amerike ter zgodovina slovenskih naselbin v Leadvillu, Kolorado, in v San Franciscu, Kalifornija, Celovec - Ljubljana - Dunaj: Mohorjeva založba, 1999, 509 str.Book Reviews is published in SLO pages.
13 / 2001
Dean Ceglar
Book Reviews - MATJAŽ KLEMENČIČ, Jurij Trunk med Koroško in Združenimi državami Amerike ter zgodovina slovenskih naselbin v Leadvillu, Kolorado, in v San Franciscu, Kalifornija, Celovec - Ljubljana - Dunaj: Mohorjeva založba, 1999, 509 str.Book Reviews is published in SLO pages.
13 / 2001
Aleksej Kalc
Book Reviews - Ezuli, optanti, izseljenci..., Annales, Analiza istrske in mediteranske študije, Koper: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko, 10/2000, 1(20), str. 165-252; 2(22), str. 357-418.Book Reviews is published on SLO pages.
13 / 2001
Aleksej Kalc
Book Reviews - Ezuli, optanti, izseljenci..., Annales, Analiza istrske in mediteranske študije, Koper: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko, 10/2000, 1(20), str. 165-252; 2(22), str. 357-418.Book Reviews is published on SLO pages.