18 / 2003

Jurij Zalokar


The author deals with the development of multicultural relations in Australia after World War II, which various racisms and the right wing anti multiculture activity opposed. The revival of Australian ethnocentrism obstructed the actual rise of multiculture, which the author noticed already in 1989 when leaving Australia. An increasing gulf was occurring between the principal declarativeness and the actual life in the spirit of multiculture. The author made parallels between the fate of black coloured population in the U.S.A. and the European integrational processes. On the one side, there is the rhetoric, and actual relations on the other side that are far from the principles of multiculturalism. He is pointing out the harmfulness of national and language discrimination, which leads to destruction of a nation or a national community, and consequently to dilapidation of morals and the system of values, and to self-destructive dispositions. The author considers preserving of nationality, culture and language the most important social tasks, in the fields of emigration and immigration as well. Preserving language and ethnic identity definitely is not some maintaining of obsolete social circumstances as some anthropological and sociological schools want to present; such preserving bases on the fact that every human carries in oneself genetic elements of one’s development.

Jurij Zalokar is doctor and psychiatrist.

18 / 2003

Jurij Zalokar


The author deals with the development of multicultural relations in Australia after World War II, which various racisms and the right wing anti multiculture activity opposed. The revival of Australian ethnocentrism obstructed the actual rise of multiculture, which the author noticed already in 1989 when leaving Australia. An increasing gulf was occurring between the principal declarativeness and the actual life in the spirit of multiculture. The author made parallels between the fate of black coloured population in the U.S.A. and the European integrational processes. On the one side, there is the rhetoric, and actual relations on the other side that are far from the principles of multiculturalism. He is pointing out the harmfulness of national and language discrimination, which leads to destruction of a nation or a national community, and consequently to dilapidation of morals and the system of values, and to self-destructive dispositions. The author considers preserving of nationality, culture and language the most important social tasks, in the fields of emigration and immigration as well. Preserving language and ethnic identity definitely is not some maintaining of obsolete social circumstances as some anthropological and sociological schools want to present; such preserving bases on the fact that every human carries in oneself genetic elements of one’s development.

Jurij Zalokar is doctor and psychiatrist.

18 / 2003

Marta Maffia, Bernarda Zubrzycki


The aim of this report is to characterise Polish immigration in the province of Buenos Aires, specially in the localities of La Plata, Berisso and Ensenada, by analysing bibliographic and documental information about the group, and the applicability of a socio-cultural enquiry which results are loaded into a data base created as a part of the project called “socio-cultural mapping of immigrants and their descendants settled in the province of Buenos Aires (with the exception of Spaniards and Italians) ” which is being developed at the La Plata National University.

The majority of the large countries of the world has accepted and still accepts a high percentage of immigrants and foreign residents: the heterogeneity is an integrand and interactive part of each society. The "personal identity" has ceased being simple. Everyone can compose it combining heterogeneous elements of different areas of the culture. Since their cultural contact, migratory movements have promoted in our country a new form to generate and to express the identity.

In Argentina, research about immigration has traditionally been made fundamentally upon two majorities: Spanish and Italian. There were few specific anthropological studies concerning small and medium groups of immigrants (Capeverdeans, Polish, Greek, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, etc.).

As a result of our experience in the field of anthropology, working with some of these groups and their descendants, we became aware of the need of a tool which allows, in a flexible way, to recognise the profile which characterises the studied communities and those which will be studied in the future. Without such a tool, it would be difficult to characterise the modifications which were produced and still take place as a consequence of the cultural change and the intercultural contact.

18 / 2003

Marta Maffia, Bernarda Zubrzycki


The aim of this report is to characterise Polish immigration in the province of Buenos Aires, specially in the localities of La Plata, Berisso and Ensenada, by analysing bibliographic and documental information about the group, and the applicability of a socio-cultural enquiry which results are loaded into a data base created as a part of the project called “socio-cultural mapping of immigrants and their descendants settled in the province of Buenos Aires (with the exception of Spaniards and Italians) ” which is being developed at the La Plata National University.

The majority of the large countries of the world has accepted and still accepts a high percentage of immigrants and foreign residents: the heterogeneity is an integrand and interactive part of each society. The "personal identity" has ceased being simple. Everyone can compose it combining heterogeneous elements of different areas of the culture. Since their cultural contact, migratory movements have promoted in our country a new form to generate and to express the identity.

In Argentina, research about immigration has traditionally been made fundamentally upon two majorities: Spanish and Italian. There were few specific anthropological studies concerning small and medium groups of immigrants (Capeverdeans, Polish, Greek, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, etc.).

As a result of our experience in the field of anthropology, working with some of these groups and their descendants, we became aware of the need of a tool which allows, in a flexible way, to recognise the profile which characterises the studied communities and those which will be studied in the future. Without such a tool, it would be difficult to characterise the modifications which were produced and still take place as a consequence of the cultural change and the intercultural contact.

18 / 2003

Catalina Banko, Pablo Mouzakis


Among the immigration countries of the world is Argentina, which took in millions of European migrants. In the late 19th Century and thereafter this country offered economic promise, thanks to fertile lands appropriate for growing cereal crops and raising beef cattle, for export. In response to a labor shortage, successive Argentine governments encouraged the arrival of immigrant groups to populate the vast interior. While the Argentine economy looked very promising, the Slovenian population suffered the political and economic consequences of the First World War. So the search for new horizons was a response to political oppression and unbearable poverty and social marginality. The largest flows of these immigrants were recorded between 1923 and 1928. Thereafter the number began to decline because the worldwide economic crisis and the resulting mass unemployment put a stop to migratory flows.

The integration process into Argentine society was very difficult. The unknown language, the very different customs, and the unavoidable need to start again from scratch were burdens that weighed heavily on the lives of the new arrivals. Though most Slovenians came from rural backgrounds, the majority of them settled in Buenos Aires, which had become the great magnet because it offered the broadest range of employment opportunities.

In response to the difficulties of the first stage of integration into Argentine society, stemming from the environmental and cultural differences, it was of the utmost importance for the members of the "collectivity" to have these channels for maintaining friendship and solidarity, in the form of cultural and mutual aid societies. This was a basically social organization, which held festivities and sporting events that helped cement the ties among the immigrants, in addition to providing assistance to members of the community in times of trouble. They made it possible to conserve a certain unity and cohesion among the residents of Slovenian origin, establish social relations within the community, and thereby preserve some aspects of their age-old cultural identity.

18 / 2003

Catalina Banko, Pablo Mouzakis


Among the immigration countries of the world is Argentina, which took in millions of European migrants. In the late 19th Century and thereafter this country offered economic promise, thanks to fertile lands appropriate for growing cereal crops and raising beef cattle, for export. In response to a labor shortage, successive Argentine governments encouraged the arrival of immigrant groups to populate the vast interior. While the Argentine economy looked very promising, the Slovenian population suffered the political and economic consequences of the First World War. So the search for new horizons was a response to political oppression and unbearable poverty and social marginality. The largest flows of these immigrants were recorded between 1923 and 1928. Thereafter the number began to decline because the worldwide economic crisis and the resulting mass unemployment put a stop to migratory flows.

The integration process into Argentine society was very difficult. The unknown language, the very different customs, and the unavoidable need to start again from scratch were burdens that weighed heavily on the lives of the new arrivals. Though most Slovenians came from rural backgrounds, the majority of them settled in Buenos Aires, which had become the great magnet because it offered the broadest range of employment opportunities.

In response to the difficulties of the first stage of integration into Argentine society, stemming from the environmental and cultural differences, it was of the utmost importance for the members of the "collectivity" to have these channels for maintaining friendship and solidarity, in the form of cultural and mutual aid societies. This was a basically social organization, which held festivities and sporting events that helped cement the ties among the immigrants, in addition to providing assistance to members of the community in times of trouble. They made it possible to conserve a certain unity and cohesion among the residents of Slovenian origin, establish social relations within the community, and thereby preserve some aspects of their age-old cultural identity.

18 / 2003

Kristina Toplak


The Art school of the Slovenska kulturna akcija, which was active between 1995 and 1960 in Buenos Aires presents one of the three attempts to establish art education among Slovene emigrants all over the world. Differently from the other two, which were projects if individual artists, the mentioned is a collective emigrant project based on the model of European art colleges. The founders of the school, particularly the SKA leadership, wished to preserve the continuity of Slovene art tradition and indirectly influence through art on cultural and especially ethnic perception of Slovene emigrants. The outlines of activity of the school and of the position of art within the frame of the SKA are given on the basis of publications in the SKA gazette – GLAS Slovenske kulturne akcije, individual narrations of students, notes by Marijan Marolt, and other sources.

Acknowledged artists were giving lessons at the SKA art school: the painters Bara Remec and Milan Volovšek, sculptor France Ahčin, and art historian Marijan Marolt who were all active members of the SKA fine arts section. The first and the only generation of students of the art school counted eight people. They have organised four annual exhibitions and cooperated several times in artistic equipping of the SKA book editions. In 1960, six students concluded the school of which only one actively creates and exhibits while the rest dropped artistic design. They mostly made for related knowledge such as art history, architecture, art crafts, and similar.

The school was active only five years and the teachers educated only one generation of artists. After that time, the school no more had financial and moral support of the community. We can only guess why. Was it about a conservative attitude of the community or perhaps political aversion to modern art, which because of its universal language and its increasing modelling after non-Slovene motifs could no longer be the tool for manipulation?

Half of the teachers left after a few years and what started as a common enthusiastic project of the SKA fine arts section later reduced to persistent, almost stubborn, idealistic and hard work of one person, Bara Remec. Marijan Remec too persisted with his art history lessons until the end although to his opinion the school became Bara Remec’s school. The sole remain of the initial enthusiasm for asserting Slovene art abroad is the still active SKA fine arts section. Its members organize art exhibitions, report in the SKA newsletters on art events from the world, and help the younger generation of artists in their assertion.

Kristina Toplak, ethnologist, cultural anthropologist and Professor of art history, Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana.

18 / 2003

Kristina Toplak


The Art school of the Slovenska kulturna akcija, which was active between 1995 and 1960 in Buenos Aires presents one of the three attempts to establish art education among Slovene emigrants all over the world. Differently from the other two, which were projects if individual artists, the mentioned is a collective emigrant project based on the model of European art colleges. The founders of the school, particularly the SKA leadership, wished to preserve the continuity of Slovene art tradition and indirectly influence through art on cultural and especially ethnic perception of Slovene emigrants. The outlines of activity of the school and of the position of art within the frame of the SKA are given on the basis of publications in the SKA gazette – GLAS Slovenske kulturne akcije, individual narrations of students, notes by Marijan Marolt, and other sources.

Acknowledged artists were giving lessons at the SKA art school: the painters Bara Remec and Milan Volovšek, sculptor France Ahčin, and art historian Marijan Marolt who were all active members of the SKA fine arts section. The first and the only generation of students of the art school counted eight people. They have organised four annual exhibitions and cooperated several times in artistic equipping of the SKA book editions. In 1960, six students concluded the school of which only one actively creates and exhibits while the rest dropped artistic design. They mostly made for related knowledge such as art history, architecture, art crafts, and similar.

The school was active only five years and the teachers educated only one generation of artists. After that time, the school no more had financial and moral support of the community. We can only guess why. Was it about a conservative attitude of the community or perhaps political aversion to modern art, which because of its universal language and its increasing modelling after non-Slovene motifs could no longer be the tool for manipulation?

Half of the teachers left after a few years and what started as a common enthusiastic project of the SKA fine arts section later reduced to persistent, almost stubborn, idealistic and hard work of one person, Bara Remec. Marijan Remec too persisted with his art history lessons until the end although to his opinion the school became Bara Remec’s school. The sole remain of the initial enthusiasm for asserting Slovene art abroad is the still active SKA fine arts section. Its members organize art exhibitions, report in the SKA newsletters on art events from the world, and help the younger generation of artists in their assertion.

Kristina Toplak, ethnologist, cultural anthropologist and Professor of art history, Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana.

18 / 2003

Irena Gantar Godina


The article is a survey of the Slovene intellectuals emigrating – from second half of the 17th Century up to 1848 – to Hungary within which Croatia was a separate unit. One of the crucial reasons for the Slovenes to leave their homeland was a severe shortage of schools, either secondary or higher and high schools. Apart from the fact that for many Slovenes, living nearer to Croatian lands, such as those from Lower Steyr, Bela krajina, Haloze, Bizeljsko, Gorjanci, Croatia was the nearest destination, it was also linguistically the closest destination to study.. There they could attend grammary schools, enroled to higher and high schools, after 1874 also to the University of Zagreb. These Slovenes came voluntarily, especially after when successful Illirian movement began in Croatia; others were sent there by the state and church authorities, for example the priests, doctors and, after the reforms of educational system, also teachers and professors. Many Slovenes who have settled there, i.e. emigrated permanently, became honorable members of Croatian society; working there many of them participated a significant contribution to the rise of Croatian national concsiousness, working on the development of Croatian language, literature, or general education. Many of them assimilated, particularly those who created their families there. Although many of them intimately remained Slovenes, yet they worked in accordance with the demands, expectations and interests of the then Croatian society.

Irena Gantar Godina, doctor of historical sciences, assistent professor and research adviser at the Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

18 / 2003

Irena Gantar Godina


The article is a survey of the Slovene intellectuals emigrating – from second half of the 17th Century up to 1848 – to Hungary within which Croatia was a separate unit. One of the crucial reasons for the Slovenes to leave their homeland was a severe shortage of schools, either secondary or higher and high schools. Apart from the fact that for many Slovenes, living nearer to Croatian lands, such as those from Lower Steyr, Bela krajina, Haloze, Bizeljsko, Gorjanci, Croatia was the nearest destination, it was also linguistically the closest destination to study.. There they could attend grammary schools, enroled to higher and high schools, after 1874 also to the University of Zagreb. These Slovenes came voluntarily, especially after when successful Illirian movement began in Croatia; others were sent there by the state and church authorities, for example the priests, doctors and, after the reforms of educational system, also teachers and professors. Many Slovenes who have settled there, i.e. emigrated permanently, became honorable members of Croatian society; working there many of them participated a significant contribution to the rise of Croatian national concsiousness, working on the development of Croatian language, literature, or general education. Many of them assimilated, particularly those who created their families there. Although many of them intimately remained Slovenes, yet they worked in accordance with the demands, expectations and interests of the then Croatian society.

Irena Gantar Godina, doctor of historical sciences, assistent professor and research adviser at the Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU in Ljubljana, Slovenia.