7 / 1996

Irena Gantar Godina

Stiki z raziskovalci izseljenske problematike v Kanadi

The report was written in Slovene language.

7 / 1996

Irena Gantar Godina

Stiki z raziskovalci izseljenske problematike v Kanadi

The report was written in Slovene language.

7 / 1996

Janja Žitnik Serafin

Slovene Studies Day na SSEES Univerze v Londonu 18. Novembra 1995

The report was written in Slovene language.

7 / 1996

Janja Žitnik Serafin

Slovene Studies Day na SSEES Univerze v Londonu 18. Novembra 1995

The report was written in Slovene language.

7 / 1996

Irena Gantar Godina

ne Studies Day na SSEES Univerze v Londonu 18. Novembra 1995

The report was written in Slovene language.

7 / 1996

Irena Gantar Godina

ne Studies Day na SSEES Univerze v Londonu 18. Novembra 1995

The report was written in Slovene language.

7 / 1996

Irena Gantar Godina

Slovene students in central and eastern Europe up to 1918

The article is a survey of so-called temporary emigration of Slovene intellectual who were, up to 1919, forced to study at non-Slovene universities. The majority attended German universities in Vienna and Graz; after 1882 there was a significant number of students at the Charles University in Prague, while Slovene Catholics tried to persuade Slovene pupils to attend the universities in Galicia, i.e. in Krakow and Lvov. The Slovene intellectuals who voluntarily left to lecture at Russian schools in the 60s and 70s of the 19th century are mentioned as a special phenomenon.

7 / 1996

Irena Gantar Godina

Slovene students in central and eastern Europe up to 1918

The article is a survey of so-called temporary emigration of Slovene intellectual who were, up to 1919, forced to study at non-Slovene universities. The majority attended German universities in Vienna and Graz; after 1882 there was a significant number of students at the Charles University in Prague, while Slovene Catholics tried to persuade Slovene pupils to attend the universities in Galicia, i.e. in Krakow and Lvov. The Slovene intellectuals who voluntarily left to lecture at Russian schools in the 60s and 70s of the 19th century are mentioned as a special phenomenon.

7 / 1996

Igor Maver

The literary creativity of Slovene migrants in Australia in English: The Second Landing by Victoria Zabukovec

The article at first describes the bilingual literary creativity of Slovene migrants in Australia. These migrants, among them the discussed Victoria Zabukovec, already regard Australia as their new home. Zabukovecs novel The Second Landing, published in 1993, is based on the life experiences of her Slovene husband, prior to and posterior to his emigration to Australia immediately after World War Two. It represents a typical and successful example of historical fiction, with elements of fiction and fictionalized biographies, recounting the life experiences of protagonists from various countries of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. She tries to be all along objective and for the most part does not comment on the fatal events, for which the protagonists seem predetermined and which they cannot avoid.

7 / 1996

Igor Maver

The literary creativity of Slovene migrants in Australia in English: The Second Landing by Victoria Zabukovec

The article at first describes the bilingual literary creativity of Slovene migrants in Australia. These migrants, among them the discussed Victoria Zabukovec, already regard Australia as their new home. Zabukovecs novel The Second Landing, published in 1993, is based on the life experiences of her Slovene husband, prior to and posterior to his emigration to Australia immediately after World War Two. It represents a typical and successful example of historical fiction, with elements of fiction and fictionalized biographies, recounting the life experiences of protagonists from various countries of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. She tries to be all along objective and for the most part does not comment on the fatal events, for which the protagonists seem predetermined and which they cannot avoid.