9 / 1998
Rozina Švent
The significance of personal letters (correspondence) and diaries in a comprehensive presentation of an artistThe author reveals a few fragments of Louis Adamic’s life and work and his contacts with some of his contemporaries, in most cases authors whom Adamic met during his two visits in Slovenia (1932-33 and 1949), e.g. Ivan Hribar and Edvard Kocbek. More interesting is Adamic’s correspondence with Dr Anton Novačan, a hot tempered Republican to whom, in one of his letters, Adamic »admited« that he also considered himself a Republican - although as a »democtaric American« he spoke for a non-violent, constitutional change of the system. It is also evident from his letters that his visits to Slovenia, especially the first one, had a far-reaching impact on him and created a new, closer tie between him and his native land, from which he had already felt to a certain degree alienated.
9 / 1998
Rozina Švent
The significance of personal letters (correspondence) and diaries in a comprehensive presentation of an artistThe author reveals a few fragments of Louis Adamic’s life and work and his contacts with some of his contemporaries, in most cases authors whom Adamic met during his two visits in Slovenia (1932-33 and 1949), e.g. Ivan Hribar and Edvard Kocbek. More interesting is Adamic’s correspondence with Dr Anton Novačan, a hot tempered Republican to whom, in one of his letters, Adamic »admited« that he also considered himself a Republican - although as a »democtaric American« he spoke for a non-violent, constitutional change of the system. It is also evident from his letters that his visits to Slovenia, especially the first one, had a far-reaching impact on him and created a new, closer tie between him and his native land, from which he had already felt to a certain degree alienated.
9 / 1998
Janja Žitnik Serafin
ForewordThis year’s edition of Two Homelands is devoted to the hundredth anniversary of the birth of the well-known Slovene-American writer Louis Adamic (1898-1951). The centenary attracted considerable attention in Slovenia, not only in academic, cultural and educational circles but also in the media. Most of the related cultural and educational events took place in March, in the municipality of Grosuplje, where Adamic was born, and in Ljubljana. A special report on these can be found in this issue. The main academic event connected to the centenary was the international conference 100"' Birth Anniversary of Louis Adamic — Intellectuals in Diaspora organised by Dr Irena Gantar Godina of the ZRC SAZU Institute for Slovenenian Emigration Studies and held on 1-5 September 1998 in Portorož (See the report on the conference in the Reports and Reflections
9 / 1998
Janja Žitnik Serafin
ForewordThis year’s edition of Two Homelands is devoted to the hundredth anniversary of the birth of the well-known Slovene-American writer Louis Adamic (1898-1951). The centenary attracted considerable attention in Slovenia, not only in academic, cultural and educational circles but also in the media. Most of the related cultural and educational events took place in March, in the municipality of Grosuplje, where Adamic was born, and in Ljubljana. A special report on these can be found in this issue. The main academic event connected to the centenary was the international conference 100"' Birth Anniversary of Louis Adamic — Intellectuals in Diaspora organised by Dr Irena Gantar Godina of the ZRC SAZU Institute for Slovenenian Emigration Studies and held on 1-5 September 1998 in Portorož (See the report on the conference in the Reports and Reflections
8 / 1997
Aleksej Kalc
Book Review - Carlo Donato, Pio Nodari, L’emigrazione giuliana nel mondo. Note introduttive (Izseljenstvo iz Julijske krajine v svetu. Uvodni zapiski), Quademi del centro studi economico-politici “E. Vanoni”, Nuova serie, N. 3/4, Trieste 1995, 166 str. (Aleksej Kalc)The review was written in Slovene language.
8 / 1997
Aleksej Kalc
Book Review - Carlo Donato, Pio Nodari, L’emigrazione giuliana nel mondo. Note introduttive (Izseljenstvo iz Julijske krajine v svetu. Uvodni zapiski), Quademi del centro studi economico-politici “E. Vanoni”, Nuova serie, N. 3/4, Trieste 1995, 166 str. (Aleksej Kalc)The review was written in Slovene language.
8 / 1997
Stane Granda
Book Review - Darko Friš, ur., Prvih sto let Kranjsko slovenske katoliške jednote. Pregled zgodovine KSKJ 1894-1994, Izseljensko društvo Slovenija v svetu, Založba Ilex, Ljubljana 1997, 294 str.The review was written in Slovene language.
8 / 1997
Stane Granda
Book Review - Darko Friš, ur., Prvih sto let Kranjsko slovenske katoliške jednote. Pregled zgodovine KSKJ 1894-1994, Izseljensko društvo Slovenija v svetu, Založba Ilex, Ljubljana 1997, 294 str.The review was written in Slovene language.
8 / 1997
Rozina Švent
Book Review - Mirko Gogala, Usoda izseljencev, Slovenska kulturna akcija, Buenos Aires 1996, 326 str. (Rozina Švent)The review was written in Slovene language
8 / 1997
Rozina Švent
Book Review - Mirko Gogala, Usoda izseljencev, Slovenska kulturna akcija, Buenos Aires 1996, 326 str. (Rozina Švent)The review was written in Slovene language