13 / 2001

Metoda Blagotinšek Turk

The first ten years of activity of S.N.P.J.

The contribution describes the foundation and the first ten years of the activity of the Slovenska narodno podporna jednota (Slovene National Benefit Society). The author deals with the reasons for founding the SNPJ, and describes how this fraternal benefit society differentiated from the other Slovene fraternal organisations. The basic function of the SNPJ is presented, that is, insurance and all other functions the SNPJ practised. The SNPJ had the role of insurance companies, as the USA did not know of social insurance at that time. Beside that basic function the SNPJ also performed the role of cultural and political unifier of Slovene emigrants in the USA.

13 / 2001

Metoda Blagotinšek Turk

The first ten years of activity of S.N.P.J.

The contribution describes the foundation and the first ten years of the activity of the Slovenska narodno podporna jednota (Slovene National Benefit Society). The author deals with the reasons for founding the SNPJ, and describes how this fraternal benefit society differentiated from the other Slovene fraternal organisations. The basic function of the SNPJ is presented, that is, insurance and all other functions the SNPJ practised. The SNPJ had the role of insurance companies, as the USA did not know of social insurance at that time. Beside that basic function the SNPJ also performed the role of cultural and political unifier of Slovene emigrants in the USA.

13 / 2001

Matjaž Klemenčič

The development of the Slovene Emigrant Community in Rock Springs, Wyoming, from the first Slovene Settlers until the Beginning of the 1930’s

The contribution deals with the history of the town Rock Springs, a typical mining town in the American West whose coalmines have in the second half of the 19th century attracted numerous immigrants that were members of 28 different nations, and were regarding the then political division of the world coming from 24 states. In the second part the author deals with the history of the Slovene community, especially with the organisational part and the activities in economic and political spheres. In his conclusion the author ascertains that the Slovene community – as the third strongest in the variegated national structure of the population – contributed a great deal to the progress of the town, particularly to the development of its tradition and a recognisable identity.

13 / 2001

Matjaž Klemenčič

The development of the Slovene Emigrant Community in Rock Springs, Wyoming, from the first Slovene Settlers until the Beginning of the 1930’s

The contribution deals with the history of the town Rock Springs, a typical mining town in the American West whose coalmines have in the second half of the 19th century attracted numerous immigrants that were members of 28 different nations, and were regarding the then political division of the world coming from 24 states. In the second part the author deals with the history of the Slovene community, especially with the organisational part and the activities in economic and political spheres. In his conclusion the author ascertains that the Slovene community – as the third strongest in the variegated national structure of the population – contributed a great deal to the progress of the town, particularly to the development of its tradition and a recognisable identity.

13 / 2001

Andrej Vovko

The Branches of the Družba Sv. Mohorja (The Society of St. Hermagors) in Germany in the Years 1888-1918

In the years 1888-1915 a network of branches of the people’s publishing house Družba Sv. Mohorja was active particularly among Slovene emigrants in Germany in Westphalia and in the basin of the river Rhine. The Society of St. Hermagoras was founded in 1852 in Celovec (Klagenfurt) to the initiative of Anton Martin Slomšek. The author of the contribution has presented on the basis of annual registers of members in the Koledarji Družbe Sv. Mohorja (Almanacs of the Society of St. Hermagoras) in the form of tables, and registers of membership in the years 1900, 1905, 1909, 1914, and 1917, the structure and activity of 96 St. Hermagoras branches in Germany. Clergymen Viljem Köster, Ivan Jenster, Avgust Henegkötter, Bernard Hülsmann, Teodor Tensundern and Viljem Sondermann, who were as rule commissioners of the Society of St. Hermagoras, had an important role in the activity of those branches. It is not a coincidence that the strongest branches of St. Mohor were in the biggest settlements of Slovene emigrants in Westphalia (Gladbeck, Hamborn, Marxloch, Meerbeck, Mörs, Osterfeld, and Sodingen) where the mentioned clergymen were active in pastoral care and cultural life, and where Slovene emigrant societies existed as well, mainly the Catholic educational Societies of St. Barbara.

13 / 2001

Andrej Vovko

The Branches of the Družba Sv. Mohorja (The Society of St. Hermagors) in Germany in the Years 1888-1918

In the years 1888-1915 a network of branches of the people’s publishing house Družba Sv. Mohorja was active particularly among Slovene emigrants in Germany in Westphalia and in the basin of the river Rhine. The Society of St. Hermagoras was founded in 1852 in Celovec (Klagenfurt) to the initiative of Anton Martin Slomšek. The author of the contribution has presented on the basis of annual registers of members in the Koledarji Družbe Sv. Mohorja (Almanacs of the Society of St. Hermagoras) in the form of tables, and registers of membership in the years 1900, 1905, 1909, 1914, and 1917, the structure and activity of 96 St. Hermagoras branches in Germany. Clergymen Viljem Köster, Ivan Jenster, Avgust Henegkötter, Bernard Hülsmann, Teodor Tensundern and Viljem Sondermann, who were as rule commissioners of the Society of St. Hermagoras, had an important role in the activity of those branches. It is not a coincidence that the strongest branches of St. Mohor were in the biggest settlements of Slovene emigrants in Westphalia (Gladbeck, Hamborn, Marxloch, Meerbeck, Mörs, Osterfeld, and Sodingen) where the mentioned clergymen were active in pastoral care and cultural life, and where Slovene emigrant societies existed as well, mainly the Catholic educational Societies of St. Barbara.

13 / 2001

Jernej Mlekuž

A contribution for a different geography: migration, power and identity in relation two worlds one another

In the article the author deals with and compares two studies: ethnography of Katy Gardner, which studies influences and responses to migrations in a village in the countryside in Bangladesh, and an essay based upon narration about personal experiences of three migrants from Latin America. In his comparison the author follows the relations between different forms of power and the formation of identity, typical for migration phenomena in various social contexts. In the article the author exposes the forms of power (in the style of Wolf, 2001), which in the two studies exhibit in different social situations, and links those with the analysis of social identity.

13 / 2001

Jernej Mlekuž

A contribution for a different geography: migration, power and identity in relation two worlds one another

In the article the author deals with and compares two studies: ethnography of Katy Gardner, which studies influences and responses to migrations in a village in the countryside in Bangladesh, and an essay based upon narration about personal experiences of three migrants from Latin America. In his comparison the author follows the relations between different forms of power and the formation of identity, typical for migration phenomena in various social contexts. In the article the author exposes the forms of power (in the style of Wolf, 2001), which in the two studies exhibit in different social situations, and links those with the analysis of social identity.

13 / 2001

Breda Čebulj Sajko

Auto-biographic method – “Case Study” – Australian Slovenes

The author explains on the case of researching the life of Australian Slovenes some, mainly foreign, ethnological and anthropological definitions of autobiography. Čebulj Sajko Breda presents the stand-point of Slovene researchers towards this type of sources in the second part of her contribution. Despite an increased interest for a thorough theoretical knowledge about life stories we yet do not have an answer to the question what autobiography is.

13 / 2001

Breda Čebulj Sajko

Auto-biographic method – “Case Study” – Australian Slovenes

The author explains on the case of researching the life of Australian Slovenes some, mainly foreign, ethnological and anthropological definitions of autobiography. Čebulj Sajko Breda presents the stand-point of Slovene researchers towards this type of sources in the second part of her contribution. Despite an increased interest for a thorough theoretical knowledge about life stories we yet do not have an answer to the question what autobiography is.